Friday, April 16, 2010


My first e-mail this morning was all about sky walks, engineering feats that make the brain stand up and be counted for. They are stupendous achievements all above three to four thousand feet about sea level. They are all over the world from the 'balcony of the Alps", to the fjords of Norway. Our own Grand Canyon with its Horseshoe shape to the drenched spray and deafening roar of water that plunges 90 feet in Brazil. In Wisconsin there is a landmark 'house' on the rock opened in 1959 with unique rooms, streets, gardens and shops . . . now that I'd like to see. What an experience it would be to travel the world and stand on these awesome creations. I'm not one for heights but they are build so strong it seems there is nothing to be afraid of . . . of course you would have to have a strong sense of balance as you edge to the rim of a glass enclosure allowing you to look down into the majestic falls or the dense forests, and in one case, city streets. The views are spectacular and we owe a debt of gratitude to the wonderful engineers and architects who make it possible for us to walk out into the rarefied air and see the beauty that surrounds us.
So today, if you have a chance to stop and look at the pictures, it will give you some dreaming time of a vacation in the future when you might make an opportunity to visit one or even many of these wonders. As for me, I am satisfied with my arm chair view . . . it is safer but not as much fun. Don't forget your camera if you do go and know that if you go to the Grand Canyon they make you wear special socks so you wont scratch the glass. Wonder if they charge much for them? Um . . . I bet they do.
It is Friday already, can't believe that mid April is here and we are heading towards our annual city yard sale day. Pat and I are busy hauling and pulling out lots of treasures and a mountain of books to 'get rid of'. We pledge no more, too much stuff, but I think Pat's words this morning were 'there is a yard sale at ten.' Yep! I'd better get dressed and be ready after all you never know what treasure is out there looking for you. Enjoy today!

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