Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Look Ma, No Hands!

Clips from an e mail showing pictures of animals on how opposites attract. I wonder what this dog is thinking this minute . . . that kitten has found its soul mate.

You go first, no, I'll go first. Ever get into that situation. I bet you have many times. It never pays to be in a rush, one never knows how wide the path or who is waiting in the wings.

Go fetch! You can't keep this little guy down. When he was told to fetch the stick, he made sure he found a big one. It reminds me that sometimes we take on a bit more than we can chew, but being dauntless ones, it doesn't seem to matter as we try to 'fit the bill.'

Here is our Emma. Pat took her picture as she was laying on her bed tuckered out from being out side playing with her two neighbor dog friends. They have such a good time but when Emma comes home she is ready for a nap. The caption on this picture was ' waiting for Erin to call.' I bet when Erin did see this picture she called. My grand-dogger is growing by leaps and bounds. She changes size by the day and so far has shown how smart she is but, there goes my favorite word, she manages to stay a puppy and gets herself into all kinds of mischief. She just will not stop jumping up when she sees you. She knows nothing but happiness as her tail spins like a windmill in her happiness to see you.
So today enjoy the animals in your life if you are lucky enough to have some. All they want is to be loved . . . don't we all? Yesterday there was a clip of a soldier returning home from Iraq and his dog was the first out the door to greet him. It was pure pleasure to watch that dog and his master reunited. Tune into U Tube and see some of the clips that are on the computer these days and be introduced to some heartwarming stories, real life is full of them if we stop to look and listen. Make your day special . . . you are!

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