Saturday, April 17, 2010


According to the dictionary "mood" is a temporary state of mind. It goes on to note 'humor', 'temper' and even 'anti-social behavior.' My, that is a lot to digest early this morning. I woke up in a mood. I wanted to sleep in this morning, instead I followed the octogenarian two step of waking up every hour on the hour. Of course I know what brings this all about, you know, the 'power naps' which come more often than naught due to waking up at varied intervals all night. A vicious circle . A sleeping pill could probably change things, but I don't like to take pills of any kind. I figure if I move about long and hard enough I'll work up a tiredness that will see me through the night. Wishful thinking I know, but I keep trying and one of these nights I am going to sleep the entire night through. It is the 'when' I can't tell you.

I have to laugh as our 'mood' changes so much just in one day. We go from sad, to happy, to joyous or crestfallen in seconds and minutes depending on how our day is going. People that surround us bear a responsibility for our 'mood' as we pick up on their moods. Some make us laugh, some make us cry and some make us angry thus creating our 'mood' for the day.

Music can change our tune depending what we are listening too. If it is classical music then quiet is needed; if a new pop tune with a beat then our hearts light up and our feet respond. Books can change our thoughts too, but it is the Art that can give us sadness, peace, contentment or make us angry. Imagine the mind of the artist, the hands that work the brush into strokes that can change our mood in seconds. Color too has its effect on all of us . . . red gives us energy; blue calmness and peace; yellow warmth; and green serenity.

Yesterday was tax day and that probably put you in a 'mood', as my cartoon friend Maxine said "can't decide whether to use my tax refund for a stick of gum, or save up for a postage stamp." Then she said, " At my age, having Uncle Sam put his hands in my pockets is about the only action I get." I can relate to that . . . as for 'action' I get all of that I need just trying to get out of a chair.

So today, decide on your 'mood' and make it uplifting for yourself and those around you. Ignore the 'moody' and go out and have a Saturday that has purpose and meaning. It is your day off, so enjoy every second of it. My mood has changed already as I am going to have a hot fudge sundae today . . . aah . . . butterscotch with caramel sauce and vanilla with chocolate sauce, a few nuts and a pinch of cream, now that is a mood changer. Go find one!

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