Thursday, April 29, 2010


This is a picture of China's Shinkansen, wonder what that word means? Most likely what it is, a high speed train. China has invested over two hundred and ninety three billion dollars in their mode of transportation and they do not want to slow down. According to the article they have a system of connector cabins with which they have on the back and front on the roof of the trains. The passengers enter into the connector boxes and the train slows to allow the passengers to be lifted down and they disembark and go their merry way. It works on both ends of the train but for the life of me I cannot figure out why they would not want to stop and smell the roses. Life goes by quickly enough without coming up with a system that never slows down. I wonder what they do with the engineers.This would be more my speed and most likely I'd be late, not that I wouldn't want to be saved from the deluge, but I don't think I'd be happy with all those smelly animals. Let's face it I am not the world's greatest animal lover. Oh I wouldn't hurt them and I'd most likely pet one or two but I'd be very cautious in case one decided to move in with me.

So today whatever your mode of transportation, train, plane or automobile . . . and even 'shanks mare' enjoy the trip. Be sure to take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way. Stop, look and listen, it's the only way to go. Make today a 'date' day, call a friend or two, enjoy the company and the hugs. Hugs to you.

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