Sunday, February 21, 2010

Transportation of the Future

I cannot imagine that this plane/car called the Terrafugia will take care of our morning rush hours across the nation especially since the price tag is $220,000, but think of the traffic jam in the skies . . . scares me.
I am waiting patiently for the railroad to come back. It is such a simple solution to our problem of transportation and I just read that Warren Buffet donated a few billions to have this happen. There are so many changes in high speed rail transportation, a far cry from the days when I used to take a train from Boston to Washington, D. C. and it was at least an eight hour trip. The trip I remember the most is the one in which my friend and I laid out on a beach and fell asleep only to wake up with a sunburn that warmed more than the cockles of our heart. Going back to D. C. to our jobs meant sitting on the edge of the seat, believe me we never did that again.
I often remark about how the Disney folks came up with high speed transportation and move millions of people without a problem. It just goes to show the technology is there, now if we could only get the 'big boys' to change their tune and vote for transportation without a dependency on foreign oil. Problems to be resolved in the future, wonder if I'll see a high speed train and take a ride from one end of the country to another. That would be fun and I could go back in time and visit the old haunts to see the changes of the last sixty years. As I have said before, a picture can stir the imagination and stir up memories.
So, if you are out and about looking for a new car, you might keep this one in mind. Be sure you take flying lessons first. I don't want to ride with someone who does not have their pilot's license. Have a fun Sunday, read the funnies, make an omelet or a blueberry pancake and enjoy. I'm off to make my coffee and scrounge around for something good to have for breakfast, maybe I should wait until I get back from my Sunday morning grocery shopping and then I'll have something tasty like a piece of ham. Sounds good, I'll share if you are in my neighborhood.

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