Monday, February 22, 2010

Circle of Life

When you get to become and octogenarian the mind takes on a will of its own, if you are lucky not to be on the road to senility or Alzheimer's. You find that your life circle is just that. There are jokes that poke at being old and most of them are enough to make you laugh, if not, you would cry. You come into the world with no hair, no teeth, can't walk, or talk then as if a miracle occurs you can do it all without much effort and improve as you go . . . then after years of perfecting all of this, a trick is played and you find that you are going full circle, less hair, no teeth, can't walk, but so far talking is only at a stop gap and you find that tears are back in style. . . but the circle of friends has changed and you are now looking back to find that a lot of your friends have gone on through the garden gate. It happens, life happens, death happens . I had a e-mail from a mortuary last evening. A first. It was to inform me that my friend Margaret had died on the sixth of February and her son found an e-mail address of mine and knew I would want to know. Margaret was ninety years old. I had just called her at her rest-home about a month ago and she said she was ready to go, that she had lived out her life. She mentioned that she realized now that she should not have taken such good care of herself as it was hard to keep going at this age. She was very religious and she was ready to go 'home'. I am happy for Margaret because she got her wish. I am sad for her family because they have to go through a grieving process before coming to the realization that it okay to die when you are ninety. It happens to the best of us, and come to think of it, the worst of us.

So today, don't dwell on how small your circle is getting, get on with living your life to the best of your ability. Take time to 'smell the roses' and don't scratch your nose on a thorn. Be sure to pickup the telephone, or open up that new style gadget and talk to someone 'old' in your circle of friends. Tomorrow they may lost to your sight but today they can use a verbal hug. Be gentle, be kind and be loving and you will be very successful in life.

As for this sign, you have to love it. You know that some people just cannot resist temptation. Whatever they read they have to follow, and when they get caught and fined they become very upset . . . why me? Well dummy, why not?
Rules are made to keep peace and balance in our lives. It makes for peaceful coexistence.

Make today a good one, it is in your power to do so.

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