Monday, February 15, 2010

"Forgotten Gallery"

My e-mail this morning was named "A Forgotten Gallery" and the pictures were some I had never seen before. I didn't realize that Angelina Jolie was born with those lips. With all of the liposuction of today I thought she had gone modern but this picture says otherwise. What a beautiful child she was, a real daddy's girl, and followed in his footsteps.

Here are the Beatles when they first started. They were fourteen and sixteen, an early start to a long career.

I often wondered if there was a specific model for the Barbie Doll; I think I found it. . . Bridget Bardou in all her glory.

I bet you haven't seen this photograph before. It is poignant and it makes me wonder who took it and when... two lost souls....gone before their time.
There were other photographs of famous people and actors and actresses, most gone now, but the photograph brings them back in memory and serves up a bit of history as we either read about them, saw them in movies, watched them live out their lives doing what they were born to do. Today on "Simple Truths" there was a video of famous quotes by famous people and it is wonderful. A table book we should all own, and I am thinking about buying one to have on my coffee table just to pick up and peruse and enjoy. Words and Pictures to bring history back into our minds and hearts as we have lived through some very interesting and trying times.It never seems to stop, it's called living.
So, today check out the family albums and look at the pictures of the family and friends and think about the changes in their looks and personality and remember all of the finite details of your history with them. Enjoy a trip down memory lane and for those that are still with you, give them a call and let them know you remember. Make today a good one, a very special one, just like you . . . look in the mirror and you will see what I see . . . a beautiful face to love.

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