The recent death of a woman who devoted her working hours to a huge whale brought to mind that animals are wild animals and there is no taming them. They may put up with us for a short while but return to their natural 'self' when they have had enough. Doesn't that remind us of ourselves? When we go against our 'grain' we revert back to who and what we are. So today there is no taming me, I've gained back the hour I lost as we celebrate daylight savings time. An hour does make a difference both in the 'springing ahead' and 'falling back'' . . . just when I get used to the 'change' and find I like it, then I have to get used to it all over again and in a day or two I'll like this changes as well. Now if the sunshine will come out and stay, I promise not to do anymore griping. If the sprinkles remain then that is a 'horse of another color' and I will be wondering what to do with that extra hour of what should be spring days of hope and sunlight. There is lots to do but it is the 'get up and go' that needs prodding and that could take an hour.
So today . . . be of good cheer. Make use of that extra hour and go out the door. Don't bother with the new movies, I hear they are not really worth the price of the ticket. Maybe a day of rest might do the trick and use that extra hour for something you want to do. Just be sure to take good care of you and find reasons to smile. Aha, back to bed . . . I knew someone would think of that . . . Have a good snooze! Remember time flies and you will have to give up that hour as soon as fall arrives . . . well, that is a way off (smile); just remember to take one day as it comes and enjoy it to the fullest. Ciao!
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