Thursday, March 25, 2010


Here are three photographs that made it to the top of the list for the annual Geographic Magazine in 2009. There were many more, all really great pictures and worthy of recognition. The photographers who took the pictures know their 'stuff' and we are all the better for it because we can enjoy, learn and muse about the contents.
Cherries are probably going to be at least three dollars a pound at the store and now we know why. That had to be a cruel morning for the growers. It does make a lovely photograph though. I am not a lover of cherries although I wouldn't turn down a hand full of those big beautiful 'Bing'. I lean more towards apples and after lent I am going to bake some hot apple turnovers and enjoy, not only the aroma, but the melt in your mouth cinnamon and sugar that coats the apples in their doughy shell. If you are close by I'll share.
I found the blue birds interesting. A little reminder of our current political posturing. Nope, not going there this morning. I have friends in deep depression over the shenanigans of our illustrious leaders who sold out for 'pork' for their home towns . . . aah . . . election time is coming, although a lot of folks have already joined the 'other side', freedom to change, well, that is the American way. The picture itself is beautiful as the birds are gorgeous. I love that shade of blue and the spirit of independence.
When I saw the picture of the buffalo going over the fence, you know the words that came to mind . . . yes . . . 'don't fence me in'. Are you humming along? I hope so. It must be time for a little romance and 'Romeo' is not about to be denied in his quest for 'Juliet'. From the expression on her face he may have to work a little harder at getting her in the mood. All that hopping the fence may scare her a bit . . . or not! Taking a second look at the picture I may be wrong, 'she' may be going after 'him' but being city bred how can I tell. Let's just hope such exuberance goes well and the romance is a true one.
So today be of good cheer. Spring is here and new beginnings are in the offering. We will have more sunshine and our spirits will lift after the long winter doldrums. We will have more time to enjoy the sunlight and start in on all those outside chores. As a young child on Easter vacation from school, my friend Marno and I volunteered to wash windows. She on one side, me on the other, drawing pictures, playing tic-tac-toe in the window cleaner, making the windows sparkle. Now that comes full circle as Ma was an apple turnover baker and that was our payment for doing a good job. So today is a good day to make your work list for your Easter vacation and Spring cleaning. Make it short and sweet then go outside and enjoy the day.

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