Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hear Me

I am musing about being heard this morning after I received a written record of who did what to Social Security over the years and the e-mail sounded pretty one sided as the writer took time to place the blame on the Democrats alone, not a word about how the Republican representatives in the House and Senate went right along with the vote and the changes which were far from fair to the American workers. I am not, nor ever have been a Republican and have changed my mind about being a Democrat, at the rate both parties have 'screwed and tattooed the American public', I think we need a strong Independent to come out and fight a battle against the greed and corruption that runs rampant in our highest offices in our land. I could write reams about my personal battle with Social Security and have you crying for me in one hand and laughing out loud in the other. I did my stint over the years trying to rectify an error 'they' made and even going to the top leaders of the agency, I could not get an answer to the problem that existed . . . but, my favorite word, they found a way to stop the error without an explanation and I would not dare to ask how or why they came to the conclusion they did. I'd be afraid that my income would disappear and me along with it.

So today I am going to be short and sweet and calm down from the feeling of being used and abused by my own government. Taking 2/3 r'ds of my income because I worked for the Federal Government, as did my husband, the Government Pension Offset bill started in 1983 is still coming out each and every year with hundreds of sponsors but no action because it would be costly to 'fix' a huge mistake they made in gouging the Federal worker one more time.

Take it upon yourself to pay attention to what is going on because it does have a very profound and special effect on your income. The taxes are placed in the fine print of a bill thrown in the hopper that you are not even aware of until it comes out loud and clear in your pay check. Okay, I'm off, I'm off . . . some things are just 'unfair'.

Ignore my ranting and ravings and go outside in the fresh air today and take a walk around the block . . . I am. Thanks for listening, whew . . . it felt pretty good to get all that off my chest . . . I gave YOU a headache . . . I'm sorry. I'll try not to ever do that again. Know I love you.

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