There have been short 'movie' clips on U-Tube showing some of the pictures from the different battle fields which refresh our memories of the sacrifice thousands of men and women made in the name of Freedom. Sixty five years gone before a monument was erected in their honor. Sometimes we are very slow about showing our thanks. Since then we have continued to be involved in one war or another, more sophisticated weapons, more fancy ships and planes, but right now we have our men and women fighting hand to hand combat in one more 'lost' war. A civil disobedience that needs attention from those in power to change the life style of those in 'serfdom' and we cannot do it for them. What country will have leaders who will put forth the ten commandments and have them followed? Is it that simple? Yes . . . it is. If each and everyone followed the rules of the road what a life we would all have . . . peace, coexistence with our fellow man, honesty, and love . . . all because we are our brother's keepers. I think I remember the commandments.
1. I am the Lord they good, thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
2. Do not take the name of thy Lord, Thy God, in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the sabbath day.
4. Honor they father and thy mother.
5. Thy shalt not tell lies
6. Thy shalt not commit adultery
7. Thy shalt not steal
8. Thy shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor
9. Thy shalt not covet thy neighbor wife
10. Thy shalt not covet thy neighbors goods.
How's that for remembering my catechism days in parochial school some seventy three years ago. Did I remember to follow these rules . . . sad to say I did not. Some where in time I managed to break each one in all of the ways the nuns told us we could. They were not giving us permission. . . they were saying loud and clear to mark our brains with each commandment and live our lives accordingly. BUT they forgot all about living life with all of its temptations, and they forgot to tell us that we needed moral courage to live our lives according to these commandments. Have we paid for our crimes? Oh my yes, a dozen times over and over. Have we learned a lot about living our lives? Oh my yes, but we failed to listen to our inner voice that always knew which road we should follow. The young do not listen because they are too busy living and some have never even heard of the commandments. Maybe instead of tearing them down, our leaders should blow them up in living color and have them painted on every wall so the young ones have a chance to grow into 'moral' men and women and live in a peaceful world. I am sad to say, I do not think this will ever happen because it is so much easier to follow the 'easy path', you know the one, the road of good intentions!
So, today get your work done with pride. Walk outside for lunchtime and take time to smell the flowers that are beginning to bloom . . . forsythia bushes in bright yellows . . . piracanta berries in bright reds..... huge pink rhodys for spring are showing, and the buds on the trees will soon shower us with their leaves; new beginnings, so lets make good use of them. Make today a good one knowing what you put into it is what you will get out of it . . . no more, no less. You make the choices. Did I just hear one of my children mention lecture sixteen? Um . . . must be my imagination.
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