Saturday, March 6, 2010

Smooze a Friend.

I wonder how, in the animal kingdom, there is no thought to looks, dress, warts or differences between the species when there is trouble . . . aha . . . I just answered my own supposition ----big troubles makes the world a different place as we have seen recently during the horrific earth quakes and violent storms. In this particular case the baby hippopotamus was orphaned and during a huge storm, he or she, was blown and thrown into the area where the tortoise was and landed on it. The tortoise old and wise took the hippopotamus under it's care and they are best friends. If anyone tries to bother the tortoise the little hippo rises in its defense. So many times we have seen pictures from the animal world that shows what true friendship really means. Why can't we humans open our hearts and minds and accept the differences in each other? Not one of is perfect, if we were, we wouldn't be here, that is for sure. We all seem to think we are 'perfect' and everyone else is not, but we soon find out that our flaws are just as big and as glaring as any other person on the planet. In this particular case age didn't matter one iota. The tortoise is as old as time and the baby hippopotamus has yet to find out what the world around him is really like, yet they accept each other without question. It is a born wisdom that the young have knowing it is wise to acknowledge their elders and learn what life lessons to overcome. Now, if we could only get them to listen, think of how much happier their lives would be. But . . . we humans are a strange and funny lot, we seem to know we have to walk our own path and make our own mistakes to grow up. Some of us make it, some of us do not, but we do learn even if it is the 'hard' way. Each day I learn more about growing up, and each day I learn more about friendship, which actually means love, and I continue to grow and glow.
So, today is a new day, a day to celebrate your friends, and your family are your very best friends, try to overlook the big and the little idiosyncrasies each of us have. Look into the smiling eyes and know that the love you see is just for you. If there is a scowl about, run for cover or find the little hippo and see if it will come to your rescue . . . make amends quickly . . . a hug usually works wonders. Just continue to grow in acceptance and love for those in your circle and then open it up and find a new someone to add, warts and all.

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