Some fish tale. What a picture. If I saw something that big coming out of a lake, you can be sure I'd never set foot in it again. What a monster and ugly to boot. I would like to hear the fellows tell the tale of how they caught it and if they had to beat it up to get it on their boat. I'd think they would have to fillet it right then and there. My daughter Pat, and her friend Jock are off fishing this morning hoping to catch a steel head or two. I hope she does as then I stand a chance of having some for dinner tonight. I won't count on it though, the hot dogs are at the ready, just in case. That picture of Jock was taken several weeks back when they spent a very cold day, sitting in the truck, watching the bobble of the fishing poles, hoping for a bite. It was the week the 'count' was still alive so they couldn't keep certain sized fish and this was one that had to go back in the water. The following week the count changed and they could have kept this fish, but it went swimming away and probably knows better than to swim in that spot of the lake again. Each fisherman has his or her own spot to fish in and woe to those that muscle in. It makes me laugh as they really are very dedicated to the pursuit of happiness and that is to catch the biggest fish that swims in the lake. All I can tell you is that I really admire anyone who can catch a fish and bring it home to share. My taste buds are always at the ready even though I never caught a fish in my life. There are so many things I have not done. Sometimes we do not get the opportunity to try new things as they are not within our circle of life. We follow a pathway as it leads us along hearing and seeing about all the wondrous things out there, but, we get caught up in our own small world and don't even try something new and different. It makes a difference where you lived as city folks live a lot differently than country folks. Mountain people have pleasures to seek all their own while Ocean folks wouldn't have it any other way as they walk along the beach and look for treasures from the sea. My own spirit bent towards the sights and sounds of the areas in which I lived. Lucky for me I have had a taste of it all but never participated in 'sports', but gravitated towards the beauty of my surroundings with a camera at the ready or a paint brush not far behind. I admire the folks who can participate in all of the sports and I think they are content to have those of us who stand on the sidelines and cheer them on.
So, today is a good day to participate in one of the sports, active or not, cheer someone on and clap your hands and even give a shout of encouragement ----Heaven knows we can all use a bit of encouragement. Hugs to you!
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