Here is attitude for you. I don't have one of these scooters yet, but am working my way towards one as my 'get up and go' has started to 'get up and go'. I can well imagine what it must feel like to go for a ride but the thought of riding out in traffic is frightening. I'd need a big red flag to let others know that I was tooling along. My neighbor, Jim, has a a brand new scooter with all the bells and whistles. He goes out every day when the weather permits and takes his dogs for a run. They love it. So far he has not had any problems, although another friend of ours, who has a scooter also, has been snagged by the dog's rope when he takes his dogs for a run and has been overturned and lay out on the ground unable to get up for some time. Lucky for him his wife keeps an eye on the clock and if he is gone to long she sends someone out to rescue him. It all seems like fun, but I think I would rather stay in a car being chauffeured to where I want to go . . . but, sometimes the chauffeur is busy and has other places to go and things to do and it is then that I think a scooter would be a good idea-----not until the legs give out though, it is much more fun to walk out and enjoy the sunshine.
I had to laugh this morning when I received an e-mail with the picture of the confessional. It brought back a lot of memories of my childhood. I went to a Catholic school and you know I was indoctrinated into the world of confession. The only problem was there was nothing to confess so often 'we' made up things to tell the priest so we would have something to be forgiven for. I never did lie to Ma as she had radar and if I did, her punishment would have been far greater than the few Hail Marys that I would have had as punishment from the priest. As kids we didn't do a lot of bad things, we didn't dare ---- as not only did we have the nuns, the priest, the confessional, but neighbors who told on you before you got home so when you walked in the door and got a smack across the face you didn't ask already knew.
So today behave yourselves, take time to eat right, exercise and take a walk knowing that you can. If you go by a church, stop in and say hello, light a candle or two and say a prayer for me . . . I can always use one. Face the day with a sense of humor, look around as there is always something or someone to make you laugh out loud. Picture me lighting candles yesterday with a janitor coming in without saying a word and putting the light out while I was busy there. Some nerve, I think he thought I was up to no good and it was his was his way of telling me to go home, guess he didn't see me put my money in the wall box. I bet he thought I was lighting up all of the candles just for fun, maybe he should go to confession. I did light up the foyer.
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