A bridge to nowhere, a sense of beauty with a bit of apprehension thrown in. I love the colors and the serenity but would I dare cross over the bridge ? . . . I don't think it looks strong and steady enough. The caption of this picture, sent by a friend, regarding old age, said "I forgot" . . . I guess you could put all sorts of meaning to it but nothing that comes to mind that is humorous. It makes me wonder where the picture was taken and where does the bridge lead to? Time to put the imagination to work and come up with a tale or two. It certainly is beautiful.
I started a blog this morning and put it on hold but where it went is any ones guess. I can't find it. A good thing as I was being political, grousing about the figures thrown around these days when I never did get much past a hundred dollar bill . . . I'd like a few of those in my pocketbook. Think of the candles I could light and the flame that would spread a word or a thought or two around if I had one of those in my pocket . . . better be careful as I could start a fire and burn the church down. I have Maxine on my calendar and today she says "Sometimes I wish my blood pressure and my stocks would change places." Aah, wouldn't that be nice. As to politics it was refreshing to see that the American public is not sleeping as Massachusetts filled Ted Kennedy's seat with a Republican. . . I was hoping for an Independent thinker, but hopefully the message is clear to those in the House and the Senate . . . we are not unaware of what you have been doing as you feel you can retire on the job . . . noway. . . the first of many voters who are going to send you a message to 'spruce up or ship out' ; forty years in one seat, not a good idea for politicians, or for us. Okay, I'll let go my platform for today.
It is a stormy day with heavy rain and the wind is coming up. From news reports, California is getting blasted and that isn't good as they had so many fires this past year, there is nothing to hold back the earth, and slides will cause immeasurable damage. Here in Brooking our seas are running high and yesterday we had an influx of yellow headed pelicans, something we haven't seen before. Pat was at the Port checking the water out and took pictures. She sent me one but I couldn't get my computer to cooperate so I could show you. They are rare and different and a sight to see. We are going to go down and take a peek at the waves today and see how high they are running.
So, if it is stormy where you are, take care and go carefully. Find a cozy spot and settle in until the storm blows over. Stay warm and dry and take good care of you. Consider yourself hugged . . . that should keep you warm.
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