Monday, January 25, 2010

What's to Enjoy?

What's to enjoy? Creativity. People who believe in themselves and want to share their talent with the world. John Wagner is the creator of "Maxine" and once wrote "cartoonists are sensitive to the insanities of the world; we just try to humanize them." I am sure the cartoonists who share their sense of humor about the current events in our lives would agree with him.
Thomas Kincaid paints beautiful pictures and brings a sense of peace and serenity to our lives. When I receive an e-mail with one of his pictures, it is usually with moving water and I wonder at the talented folks who can make this possible.
The farm picture is a puzzle I just finished with the help of daughter Pat. It took us a week or two to find all the pieces and the last two were found under the table legs. It was not an easy puzzle and it took patience and a love of organization to get it done. I swear I will not do another one, but doing a jig saw puzzle is like eating peanuts, you just can't have one and not dig into the box.
Have you ever seen a double rainbow ? . . . I have and the beauty is twice blessed as the sky fills with magical colors and all seems right in our world. Now that is a talent we cannot do without and one that should put a tiny kernel of faith and hope in our world. There was another e-mail, sent by a friend who is a true believer and I am delighted to know she is not afraid to share her beautiful pictures and sayings with me as I find them not only enlightening but find a sense of inner peace. The theme was "I believe" and the 'quotes' were many. "That it isn't always enough, to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself." ---- and another, "You can keep going long after you think you can't." ---- "The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything they have." I wish I could give credit to the authors but they are unknown to me and thank them for their talent with words and pictures.
So, today you have a chance to look around and see the beauty that surrounds you both inside and outside of your home. It is not just the beautiful 'things' you have surrounded yourself with that brings you happiness, but also in the faces of those you love. Today is a good day, one that gives you a chance to say "I love you." . . . and I do love each and everyone of you. Thank you for sharing your talent with me.

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