Sunday, January 31, 2010


You have to admit the newest edition to Pat's household, a real true Golden Lab she named 'Emma' is as sweet as she looks and then some. Emma is all of eight to nine weeks old, not sure when she was born, but I am very glad she is here. She comes over every morning to try and eat my toes. Why she has a toe fetish is beyond me but then with the size of my toes it must look like little hot dogs to her and she is ready and willing to eat. I am trying to teach her to follow me to the kitchen where she is given a piece of dog biscuit . . . if she sits and stays. She is a fast learner, reminds me of me and a piece of chocolate . . . I would sit still if you fed me something delicious. So welcome Emma. Daughter Pat has her hands full but is enjoying every second of it and I think Emma feels right at home.
Yesterday's e-mail had fifteen strange animal pictures but I didn't put all of them on today. I thought I'd stay with dogs. I got such a kick out of the old wrinkled dog that looks like heaped laundry sitting on the bath rug. I don't recall the type of dog but they certainly are not up for a beauty prize; more like a booby prize. You have to know they are as lovable as any other dog, just old before their time, like the rest of us. For a mintue I thought someone snuck in a picture of me.

The other dog looks like a rag mop. I wonder if it can be trained to mop a floor. We would all want one of those. In spite of my remarks, I am sure this breed must walk of with a medal or two when they have the special dog shows. All I can tell you is that they truly are 'man's best friend' and bring a lot of pure pleasure to our lives. Even the hard work of training a puppy has so many laughs that you have to know as you are rewarded with all those puppy kisses, or in Emma's case a bit of toe and or finger biting.
Donald and Daisy Duck should make you smile today. It has been a very long time since I have seen these two in action. As a youngster I used to go to the Saturday matinees and see the cartoons in which they were the stars. Donald and his nephews brought about many a laugh, even the comic books were prized collector items. Wish I had a few of them today as they would be worth more than the five cents we paid for them.
So, today I hope you open your blinds to find a rainbow of color in your skies. I opened the blinds to see a palette of unbelievable color. The view was like looking at a painting with soft green color on the bottom, a stream of bright pink, almost a rose shade as it graded up gradually to a splash of deep purple, then lightened to a soft baby blue and I knew my day was going to be a good one. Open your blinds and take time to look at the sky and see what kind of a day is in store for you, then go outside and enjoy it. If you have a dog invite it along and know you are in good company. Don't forget the 'pooper' scooper.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A smidgen on Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe from space looks like a giant footprint. I mentioned Lake Tahoe in my blog yesterday and it set me on a google chase to read more about this wonderful scenic haven where I spent a lot of my time in the years I lived in Nevada. It is 'funny' how we can spend time in special places yet never look into all of its history. Lake Tahoe is the largest fresh water lake in the Sierra mountains. It is twenty-two miles long and 12 miles wide and is known for its clarity of water. Over the years it has been watched carefully because the water was not as clear as it had been, nor as deep. I saw pictures last year of rocks in the water that I had never seen before due to the long drought that had everyone worried. Yet, it came back to its pristine beauty and all is right with the world.
Tahoe basin is a geological block forming fracture in earth crusts; uplifting created the mountains and down-dropped blocks called 'graben' created the lake basin. It is possible to have earth quakes up to a magnitude of seven and we used to wonder if the lake ever suffered such a fate, would we get all that clear pristine water in our back yards way down below in Carson City. It shakes a lot in Nevada.
Lake Tahoe has sixty three tributaries and only one outlet which is the Truckee river which goes through Reno on to Pyramid Lake. This history page I was reading said that a tsunami wave has been predicted, up to thirty-three feet, in the studies the geologists are following. It makes us realize how unpredictable our world really is with its history of shake, rattle and roll.
It was an interesting read and had lots more information. John C. Freemont was the first white man to see the lake in his second expedition on February 14,1984. Now that was some Valentine. John C. Johnson, a Sierra explorer founded Johnson Cutoff which is now U.S. Route 50. He named 'Fallen Leaf' lake after his guide. There is a special area in a museum about him and his treks through the mountains, down to Placerville, Ca. when he carried the mail and had to travel by snow shoes. How he managed this is beyond me as this is wild and rugged country with amazing twists and turns in mountains that reach for the sky and seem to go on forever. A friend and I used to ride out to camera study the wild flowers and the scenic wonders of the areas which remain in my mind's eye forever. I wrote a story poem you might enjoy . . . 'ranch lands, miles of open space, cattle lowing in the fields, sagebrush, stalks thick and ancient, forbid a bud it seems. Rabbit brush, growing beside the mountain streams, wild flowers, all the names I do not know, they take your breath away, as they as they set the fields aglow. A purple thistle, majestic I would say, some white and yellow daisies, or at least they look that way. The Indian paint brush is colorful to see, but what is that gorgeous flower that stands so tall and straight. It looks like a sentinel tending Heaven's gate. so no matter where our eye looks, as springtime comes along, there are hundred of wild flowers right where they belong.'
So, if you haven't had a chance to visit Lake Tahoe you have no idea what you are missing. My suggestion would be to plan a vacation, rent a cabin and tour the area and breathe the mountain air and let the Jeffrey Pine, the lodge pole pines and the firs trees invigorate your lungs and you can stand at one of the peaks and shout to the world how lucky you are to 'hug' all this beauty. Today is a good day to make plans for the coming summer. Do it and find so much more.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have no idea who took this beautiful photograph. I would like to have given the photographer credit for a job well done. Most of the time I go browsing to see what kind of a picture I can tickle your palette of color, and hopefully catch your eye so you will read my blog. This particular picture looks so much like Lake Tahoe, on the Nevada side, where you catch the ferry boat and ride out to Emerald Bay. One year, many years ago, my children sent us off on the ferry boat for the dinner sail to celebrate my birthday, our anniversary and Mother's Day which all came about on the same date that year. It was quite embarrassing to have the dinner host spiel off the fact I was dumb enough to get married my birthday, actually the day after Mother's Day in May of 1944. A banner day when the priest read those special words to bless our marriage. He stopped when he noticed the ring was not moving onto my finger and asked my groom if he needed a little help. Now this groom would never admit to being nervous, after all he was a Marine and just back from overseas. He kept pushing the knuckle, instead of the ring, and the priest smiled gently asking, "would you like me to dip the ring in a bit of holy water?" Those words calmed the groom and the ring slide over the knuckle and the rest of the ceremony went without a hitch. Aah, the wonder of pictures and the memories they bring to mind.

So, today take time out and look over the pictures you have stored away in photograph books, or boxes and seldom take them out to look at. I'm willing to bet that you will find a trip down memory lane that will send you into gales of laughter, a few tears and a thousand memories of a lifetime you have almost forgotten . Look at the faces and places and vow to take your camera out more often. Don't waste time, there are places to go and pictures to take and memories to make. Make today a memorable one.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Impatient, not me, most of the time, but I do have my moments. The picture of the two little penguins is one to make you laugh out loud as it is animated and as the little penguin catches up to the leader, a wing flashes out and knocks the penguin into the water. The caption is "Have you ever felt like doing this?" You bet,haven't we all especially if you are on line and you have decided to shop. It is so easy even someone as computer illiterate as myself can buy things we cannot do without. The thing is that you have to know what you are doing or you get lost on the order form and you cannot find your way around it . . . so press any key, well they all work and one key looks as good as another only I usually lose what is on the screen and have to start all over again. Sometimes this leads to a 'no sale' as I lose patience and tell myself I didn't want to buy anything anyway. It reminds me of the day my son John was trying to teach me how to use the computer. He sat beside me and instructed me to look over the screen carefully. He encouraged me to press the 'enter' key and I would have if it had been on the screen where I was searching so diligently. He reached over and hit the 'enter' key on the keyboard . . . well why didn't he say to press the key on the keyboard and not stare at the screen where it was not marked. Of course I felt like an idiot. I wanted to show my son I was smart and could master this new technique but I had a very long way to go. I am still computer illiterate for the most part but I have learned a few steps to do what I want to do. I find patience helps and I have ordered and received a beautiful duvet cover which brightens up my room. Now when I learn which key to press to get me out of trouble I can stop screaming impatiently "this computer is not working right" . . . it certainly couldn't be 'my fault'.
So, today master something new and different on your computer. Send e-mails to remind those you love that you are thinking of them no matter how far away they are. With this modern miracle machine we can reach out and 'touch someone', isn't that the cat's meow?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Exercise your right to exercise like the little bear . . . if I could get down on the floor and lift my shoulders off the floor it would be nothing short of a miracle. Walking is good and I really do not do enough of that. I love to walk but my current pace would not move the heart rate high enough to take an ounce or two off the frame. I just read an e-mail that alluded to a mermaid and a whale and how the whale was so much better off in its life, so I am content to be a whale. Of course my doctor recently told me that we really do not have to eat as much as we get older; easy for his skinny mouth to say as he counts his calories and stays skinny forever, but although he practices what he preaches, my energy comes from food and I have cut back as he suggested until those comfort foods come out of the oven and my taste bud juices overflow and I forget everything but feeding this whale. Speaking of whales, son John may be seeing a lot of them this coming year. He has just accepted an offer for work in Alaska and is looking forward to a different life style which may be a lot colder than he imagines. His friends and family are excited as it may be an opportunity to visit the beautiful State of Alaska, imagine northern lights swirling in the sky, twenty-four hours of dark or light, mosquitoes big enough to leave a welt or two and scenery that leaves one spellbound. We don't want to see him go so far away . . . but . . . we wish he'd hurry up and get settled there so we can go visit him.
I thought that greeting was cute with the drawl this morning. It reminded me of my first job in Washington, D. C. during World War II when I walked into the Administrative office and was assigned to work for a Mr. Clark Harper. I walked in and asked for 'Clak Haper' with my Bostonian accent and everyone burst out laughing. I didn't realize I had an accent, doesn't everyone? I found out the young woman from North Carolina had an accent. She came over to ask if I'd like to "Comahare" which in real English meant she was going to show me where the ladies room was and she was asking if I wanted to go and "Comb my hair" . . . a nice polite way, but it took me awhile to understand that we all have accents and need time to learn the 'lingo'.
Speaking of learning, how about the deer and the cat? I have resident deer and cats in and out of my yard constantly but never see them get this friendly. If they do, I'll rush for my camera and see if I can get a shot, of course they would have to stop eating my plants and pay attention to a cat or two before I could play photographer. Right now they lift their eyebrows when I open the door with a camera as if to ask me what I wanted; well, what I want is for them to leave my plants alone. I don't think my beautiful rhododendrons will ever grow. I cut them back and thinned them out not realizing I was making 'comfort food' for the deer. How they love new shoots, and how I'd love to shoot really wouldn't do that, only think about it as I try to scare them off and they look at me with such smirking disdain.
So, today there is going to be a break in the weather and the sun may come out for a little while. It did yesterday for at least an hour and that was a sight to see. Rain is good and I love it, but sunshine has a way of making one feel good about life in general, so check your weather and plan a walk outside in the fresh air. If you are young walk sprightly; if your on your way to getting older by the minute then hobble along and smell the roses. and count your blessings as you have a whole new day to conquer.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paths to Walk

No matter where you live or, for that matter, where you travel, there is a park to visit. This picture brought back memories of Auburn, California when I traveled from Virginia to California to visit my daughter Eileen and her brand new son Mason. We would have our breakfast, then out the door to have our walk in the park. The pathway had exercise stations and we would stop and make good use of them. The hour was always early and the weather crisp and clean, never to early for a conversation about life in general and sometimes about sharing a thought, or two, about an on going problem that was troublesome with no easy answer. Maybe just having a listening ear is all we need sometimes to make an awesome burden a bit lighter. It seemed to work magic as the bridge came into view and the sound of the water coursing over the rocks moving swiftly washing away heavy thoughts to lighter ones as we watched the birds flit from tree to tree and warmed as the sunlight peeked through the trees.
In my lifetime there have been many parks to remember. I could tell you a story about each one as we traveled across country with our young family, several times, and a park was the place to rest and relax before going on with our journey. I smile when I think of the jungle gym, the swings, the sand boxes and the crooked pathways that led to quiet contentment . . . 'quiet' . . . I'm kidding, the children were always so glad to get out of the car, as I was, it was a race to see who could run the fastest and who could yell the loudest....freedom!
So, today check around and see where your park is. It is time to go for a walk along the pathways and allow your mind the freedom of the outdoors. Look for a spot to have your lunch. There is something about eating outside that makes the taste buds come alive. Take the time out and give yourself a treat so you can stay healthy and happy. I have Azalea Park here in Brookings, um . . . wonder if I can talk son John away from the computer, or daughter Pat away from her lap top. I'll bribe them and offer lunch out.

Monday, January 25, 2010

What's to Enjoy?

What's to enjoy? Creativity. People who believe in themselves and want to share their talent with the world. John Wagner is the creator of "Maxine" and once wrote "cartoonists are sensitive to the insanities of the world; we just try to humanize them." I am sure the cartoonists who share their sense of humor about the current events in our lives would agree with him.
Thomas Kincaid paints beautiful pictures and brings a sense of peace and serenity to our lives. When I receive an e-mail with one of his pictures, it is usually with moving water and I wonder at the talented folks who can make this possible.
The farm picture is a puzzle I just finished with the help of daughter Pat. It took us a week or two to find all the pieces and the last two were found under the table legs. It was not an easy puzzle and it took patience and a love of organization to get it done. I swear I will not do another one, but doing a jig saw puzzle is like eating peanuts, you just can't have one and not dig into the box.
Have you ever seen a double rainbow ? . . . I have and the beauty is twice blessed as the sky fills with magical colors and all seems right in our world. Now that is a talent we cannot do without and one that should put a tiny kernel of faith and hope in our world. There was another e-mail, sent by a friend who is a true believer and I am delighted to know she is not afraid to share her beautiful pictures and sayings with me as I find them not only enlightening but find a sense of inner peace. The theme was "I believe" and the 'quotes' were many. "That it isn't always enough, to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself." ---- and another, "You can keep going long after you think you can't." ---- "The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything they have." I wish I could give credit to the authors but they are unknown to me and thank them for their talent with words and pictures.
So, today you have a chance to look around and see the beauty that surrounds you both inside and outside of your home. It is not just the beautiful 'things' you have surrounded yourself with that brings you happiness, but also in the faces of those you love. Today is a good day, one that gives you a chance to say "I love you." . . . and I do love each and everyone of you. Thank you for sharing your talent with me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


It is much to early in the morning for me to roar, but give me time to wake up and I'll probably find a reason or two to bellow and roar . . . nah!, I'm only kidding. I am not much for roaring out loud but am a bit on the passive aggressive side. I must look that up someday and find out what that really means. I had a son-in-law who thought I was 'passive aggressive' but if he had a thinking brain he would have understood that sometimes when dealing with in-laws it is the only way to be. I had a family of in-laws that were unbelievable, each one as different as night is to day. I had my favorites because they took the time and welcomed me to the family and I had a few family members that went out of their way to make me feel unwelcome. It takes all kinds of people to fill our world and I'm not talking about strangers . . . family members of all sizes and shapes. We wonder why the world is a mess and we wonder why we cannot 'fix' it . . . but . . . and there always is a 'but', if we cannot get along with our melded family members, how in the world can we get along with our world family. Why is it that it takes tragedy to bring us together? We see the problems, take hold and try our best to 'fix' it; Haiti is a prime example, the entire world is up in arms trying to help alleviate the horrendous blow a nation of poor people suffered. The New Orleans hurricane disaster was another time we pulled together and then there are times we suffered through storms of all kinds that our own family and neighbors came to the rescue. People, aren't they wonderful? People, aren't they filled with God's good grace when they stop and think of others and not themselves?
A nation of American Indians were over run by so called progress, greed, avarice and now who has the last laugh as they build the casinos in all states and become rich in helping their own to come back to a life of wealth instead of poverty. It has taken a lot of time but it seems being passive aggressive has its own rewards.
Now about the bear, you have to admit that is quite a mouthful of teeth you are looking at. I wouldn't want to meet up with 'her', a defender of home and hearth and a protector of her children. I just wrote a short story called "Cabins in the Forest" in which a bear plays a part and it all came from being at a friend's camp up in the Sierra mountains when two young men came into the camp with a small bear they had shot and killed. The roar of the mother bear could be heard throughout the mountain and it certainly was not passive aggressive.
So today, pay attention to your surroundings. Think before you speak. Offer up a small prayer for those in need of patience and understanding, and if they will not listen to your side of an argument, then roar like the bear and let them know where you stand. When I got to that point in my life, I used to say I'd like to go stand on top of a mountain and scream. I never got to do that, um . . . wonder if it is too late?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A whopper!

Some fish tale. What a picture. If I saw something that big coming out of a lake, you can be sure I'd never set foot in it again. What a monster and ugly to boot. I would like to hear the fellows tell the tale of how they caught it and if they had to beat it up to get it on their boat. I'd think they would have to fillet it right then and there. My daughter Pat, and her friend Jock are off fishing this morning hoping to catch a steel head or two. I hope she does as then I stand a chance of having some for dinner tonight. I won't count on it though, the hot dogs are at the ready, just in case. That picture of Jock was taken several weeks back when they spent a very cold day, sitting in the truck, watching the bobble of the fishing poles, hoping for a bite. It was the week the 'count' was still alive so they couldn't keep certain sized fish and this was one that had to go back in the water. The following week the count changed and they could have kept this fish, but it went swimming away and probably knows better than to swim in that spot of the lake again. Each fisherman has his or her own spot to fish in and woe to those that muscle in. It makes me laugh as they really are very dedicated to the pursuit of happiness and that is to catch the biggest fish that swims in the lake. All I can tell you is that I really admire anyone who can catch a fish and bring it home to share. My taste buds are always at the ready even though I never caught a fish in my life. There are so many things I have not done. Sometimes we do not get the opportunity to try new things as they are not within our circle of life. We follow a pathway as it leads us along hearing and seeing about all the wondrous things out there, but, we get caught up in our own small world and don't even try something new and different. It makes a difference where you lived as city folks live a lot differently than country folks. Mountain people have pleasures to seek all their own while Ocean folks wouldn't have it any other way as they walk along the beach and look for treasures from the sea. My own spirit bent towards the sights and sounds of the areas in which I lived. Lucky for me I have had a taste of it all but never participated in 'sports', but gravitated towards the beauty of my surroundings with a camera at the ready or a paint brush not far behind. I admire the folks who can participate in all of the sports and I think they are content to have those of us who stand on the sidelines and cheer them on.
So, today is a good day to participate in one of the sports, active or not, cheer someone on and clap your hands and even give a shout of encouragement ----Heaven knows we can all use a bit of encouragement. Hugs to you!

Friday, January 22, 2010

following a word

I think I have used the dictionary more in the past ten years than I ever did when I was growing up. I don't remember looking up words often, although I am sure I didn't know or understand the meaning of some of the words we had in our spelling bees at school. Some of our words we learned by osmosis, others we found interesting enough to ask what they meant. Today the word 'insufficient ' caught my eye and I decided to look it up in the College dictionary which led to 'inadequate'; on to 'incapable' which is lacking the requisite ability or power; on to 'incompetent' and 'ineligible' which in the long run means incapable of love. . . interesting. . . how love is the basis of what makes our world go around but now I want to know when the bank says 'insufficient funds' does that mean they don't love us anymore? Probably so as no one else will love us if we are incapable of keeping our accounts with sufficient funds to buy all those Valentines that are sprouting in the stores like tiny candy hearts. I guess 'love' does make the world go around but I didn't expect the word insufficient to lead me to it.
So today balance your check book and make sure you are not 'insufficient' in funds so that you can buy your sweetie a Cadbery or two. I do not buy the English chocolate bars so am not sure of the spelling, but bear with me, as you do know what I am talking about . . . I hope. On the news this morning Kraft has taken over Cadbery Chocolate Company in England and they are not happy with us at all. Now Cadbery chocolates are delicious, rich and expensive, almost as good as Godiva which is outrageous in prices, but good old Hershey has my vote, cheap at half the price and delicious. Of course we have Sees Candy which has gotten so expensive that you walk by the store and just look in the windows. On my way to visit my niece I purchased a box of those wonderful liquer chocolates as a hostess gift then left them on the plane in that pouch in front of your seat. I often wonder if the stewardess enjoyed them. I hope so. For years my son John and I used to trade off those huge chocolate bars, sneaking one on his dashboard so he would enjoy a treat on the road, or I'd find one waiting for me on the table by my favorite chair, so I could indulge and bulge. Never gave it a thought as I chowed down smiling all the while. Be good to yourself and enjoy the wonders of love as you meet up with your favorite people today. Stop off and buy a chocolate bar, one for you and one for a friend and enjoy the insatiable taste of 'love'.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here is attitude for you. I don't have one of these scooters yet, but am working my way towards one as my 'get up and go' has started to 'get up and go'. I can well imagine what it must feel like to go for a ride but the thought of riding out in traffic is frightening. I'd need a big red flag to let others know that I was tooling along. My neighbor, Jim, has a a brand new scooter with all the bells and whistles. He goes out every day when the weather permits and takes his dogs for a run. They love it. So far he has not had any problems, although another friend of ours, who has a scooter also, has been snagged by the dog's rope when he takes his dogs for a run and has been overturned and lay out on the ground unable to get up for some time. Lucky for him his wife keeps an eye on the clock and if he is gone to long she sends someone out to rescue him. It all seems like fun, but I think I would rather stay in a car being chauffeured to where I want to go . . . but, sometimes the chauffeur is busy and has other places to go and things to do and it is then that I think a scooter would be a good idea-----not until the legs give out though, it is much more fun to walk out and enjoy the sunshine.
I had to laugh this morning when I received an e-mail with the picture of the confessional. It brought back a lot of memories of my childhood. I went to a Catholic school and you know I was indoctrinated into the world of confession. The only problem was there was nothing to confess so often 'we' made up things to tell the priest so we would have something to be forgiven for. I never did lie to Ma as she had radar and if I did, her punishment would have been far greater than the few Hail Marys that I would have had as punishment from the priest. As kids we didn't do a lot of bad things, we didn't dare ---- as not only did we have the nuns, the priest, the confessional, but neighbors who told on you before you got home so when you walked in the door and got a smack across the face you didn't ask already knew.
So today behave yourselves, take time to eat right, exercise and take a walk knowing that you can. If you go by a church, stop in and say hello, light a candle or two and say a prayer for me . . . I can always use one. Face the day with a sense of humor, look around as there is always something or someone to make you laugh out loud. Picture me lighting candles yesterday with a janitor coming in without saying a word and putting the light out while I was busy there. Some nerve, I think he thought I was up to no good and it was his was his way of telling me to go home, guess he didn't see me put my money in the wall box. I bet he thought I was lighting up all of the candles just for fun, maybe he should go to confession. I did light up the foyer.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eye of the Beholder

A bridge to nowhere, a sense of beauty with a bit of apprehension thrown in. I love the colors and the serenity but would I dare cross over the bridge ? . . . I don't think it looks strong and steady enough. The caption of this picture, sent by a friend, regarding old age, said "I forgot" . . . I guess you could put all sorts of meaning to it but nothing that comes to mind that is humorous. It makes me wonder where the picture was taken and where does the bridge lead to? Time to put the imagination to work and come up with a tale or two. It certainly is beautiful.
I started a blog this morning and put it on hold but where it went is any ones guess. I can't find it. A good thing as I was being political, grousing about the figures thrown around these days when I never did get much past a hundred dollar bill . . . I'd like a few of those in my pocketbook. Think of the candles I could light and the flame that would spread a word or a thought or two around if I had one of those in my pocket . . . better be careful as I could start a fire and burn the church down. I have Maxine on my calendar and today she says "Sometimes I wish my blood pressure and my stocks would change places." Aah, wouldn't that be nice. As to politics it was refreshing to see that the American public is not sleeping as Massachusetts filled Ted Kennedy's seat with a Republican. . . I was hoping for an Independent thinker, but hopefully the message is clear to those in the House and the Senate . . . we are not unaware of what you have been doing as you feel you can retire on the job . . . noway. . . the first of many voters who are going to send you a message to 'spruce up or ship out' ; forty years in one seat, not a good idea for politicians, or for us. Okay, I'll let go my platform for today.
It is a stormy day with heavy rain and the wind is coming up. From news reports, California is getting blasted and that isn't good as they had so many fires this past year, there is nothing to hold back the earth, and slides will cause immeasurable damage. Here in Brooking our seas are running high and yesterday we had an influx of yellow headed pelicans, something we haven't seen before. Pat was at the Port checking the water out and took pictures. She sent me one but I couldn't get my computer to cooperate so I could show you. They are rare and different and a sight to see. We are going to go down and take a peek at the waves today and see how high they are running.
So, if it is stormy where you are, take care and go carefully. Find a cozy spot and settle in until the storm blows over. Stay warm and dry and take good care of you. Consider yourself hugged . . . that should keep you warm.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The storm arrived and the winds blew, the house shook and I kept thinking someone was trying to come in as the teeming rains pelted an awesome drumming to keep me awake every hour on the hour. I love a good storm but appreciate it more in the daytime so I can watch it in all its glory. This night time storming is fine but only if you can sleep through it. We have more moving in so it will be a week of clearing, a bit of sunshine and then the squalls that take your breath away. The bushes and plants are beginning to look alive again as January creeps out and February comes in with its surprises. Valentines are out on display. Boxes and bags of candy, extra large candy bars on sale , something for everyone, and I will be giving it all up sweets for lent and have to start my mind set to thinking 'blobs of lard' as I look at all deserts. It works, after a week I don't even care if the boxes are heart shaped or not. Sounds good, doesn't it? But, alas, I am invited out for lunch at the Tea Room today and I will be ordering a dainty cup of soup, and their cups are dainty, with a quarter round of bread but only to save calories so I can choose a piece of pie. I'm not sure who the baker is up at the Tea Room but I have to say she is the best pie maker in town. Her cakes are terrific too, but her pies are to 'die' for. A good thing lent hasn't started. It will be a last hurrah for awhile as I work toward that day when someone does look at me and say 'Jean, you are wasting away." . . . fat chance! not in this lifetime, but my body parts are still working and even though 'thin is in', I can't help thinking of how hard I worked to get into this shape. What is that saying, "you are in good shape for the shape you're in". I'll buy that.
I thought this political cartoon hit the nail on the head. It has more truth than humor in it. I had one e-mail this morning that spelled out the history of Social Security and how it came into existence and what it was meant to be, not what it has become thanks to our politicians who changed laws to get their paws on a treasure they spent like water trickling in a stream. On the other hand, I received a e-mail showing the art of master artists we never heard of. The pictures were unbelievable, so rich in color, and the faces so beautiful. I will give the computer wizards a big thank you for enabling all of this history and beauty to be at our fingertips. My arm chair travels savor my keen desire to travel to the far reaches of our world. Just a trip around our own country is worth the effort as each state has something special and beautiful to offer.
So today, if you can hop a bus and check your town out first. I bet you will be surprised why so many tourists find their way to your doorstep. Our visiting bears have gone back into hibernation, hopefully to be resurrected again and brought back for another look-see. The Art Walk continues each second Saturday and we have some wonderful galleries to poke our nose into. I think our favorite place to browse is the big Antique Mall which houses fabulous yester-year mementos and, for me, a myriad of memories as I see so many 'things' I threw or gave away. It is a rainy day today, um . . . a trip to the antique store might just be in order . . . drat! I have a puzzle going and it fills my dining room table, guess I better stick with it and see if I can finish it soon.
Make your day a good one, finish up a long project, start a new one, walk out and about and see what you can see in your corner of the world. Enjoy the day, rain or shine, and give yourself a 'time out',and oh, consider yourself hugged . . . I just thought of you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lights Out

If I saw this Military canine, named Brutus, coming at me I'd be sure to stay behind a tree, probably find I could climb it in a hurry. This is his happy face as he heads for his handler who has milk bones for him. Brutus is remarkable, handsome, and well trained in sign language. His handler and two others were taken prisoner by Iraqis and placed in a huge shed with thick doors, which didn't phase Brutus who killed the guards and freed his handler and the other soldiers. It seemed when they were taken prisoner Brutus read the sign his handler sent . . . "go, but come back and find me" and for his efforts he received the Medal of Honor and I'm sure a lot of loving and attention from the men he saved. As much as I enjoy reading such stories and sharing them, I still have to call my neighbors to put her two dogs out the back door so I can go in the front door to share a cup of tea with them. I have no idea why I am afraid of big animals, city bred I guess., or impatient when they are 'jumpers' who love to be petted without end . . . needy . . . or just not trained properly. One of my neighbors, further up the street, has a huge Husky who is beautiful and soft. I do love a soft dog. I call her 'beauty', because she has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in a dog. She stops by for her petting and then ambles on down the street and has trained her owner to keep walking and not do a lot of talking; after all it is her walk for the day. I digress, as I titled this bog 'Lights Out' and we had our lights go out for hours last evening for hours and hours, talk about feeling deprived . . . no television, no computer, no way to have a hot dinner, or a cup of hot tea or coffee . . . but finding ones way around and lighting candles has a feeling all its own. I have a lantern that gives good light so I was able to read, actually finished one book and started another. I nibbled on smoked steel head, rice crackers with tasty cheese wedges and topped it off with a Cameo apple that was mouth watering in its crispy sweetness. I thought of trying to find ways to heat some water but was afraid I'd burn the house down so I settled for unsweetened cranberry juice with tonic water, not bad. I could have put some vodka in it but what would that do to my new blood pressure pills? Maybe a jolt in the right direction. By ten o'clock the lights were back on with flashing clock faces in every room. Where did I put the instruction manuals? How does one stop the fire alarms from beeping? Pushing buttons helped but I wonder what today will bring. All I can tell you is I am very happy to have the lights back on, especially the furnace as it was getting pretty chilly around here. So . . . I am content this morning with my heat on, lights on, my hot coffee sitting beside me in a colorful mug. I can reach out and 'touch' my children and wish them all well today, and of course my friends who make my world a happier place. I had an e-mail attachment with pictures of cacti in all of their flowering beauty. It made me think of tearing out all of the plants I have and just have a cactus garden but then I have to remember I am in raining Oregon and not in the heat of the Arizona desert. Well, there is nothing wrong with my beautiful rhodys.
Make today your day as you start a new week in the middle of January, 2010, which will fly by before you know it. Think positive thoughts and remember my favorite word 'moderation' as it is the key to good living although you may not get rich on it. Enjoy! Hugs to all.
I have a P.S. this morning as I just got an e mail telling me the story about the military dog is only a 'legend'; no truth to it . . . how sad to dash ones hopes that good vs. evil and wins . . . oh well, it was fun to read and write about but only a 'fairy tale'.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Words, words and more words!

There by the garage is son John preparing to start up his Liberty jeep. He and I were driving up to Whaleshead to have lunch so we could listen to a few more discs of Dan Brown's newest book. Daughter Pat gave this wordy tome to John for Christmas and we have been trying to find ways to listen to it. We could just bring it into the house and put in on the 'whatchamacallit' machine but that wouldn't be as much fun. It was made to listen to in a car and it sounds much better along with the hum of the tires on the road. John has more long rides out so finished the book first. He wont tell us anything so we have to find out for ourselves. Pat and I have been to Walmart in Crescent City, about twenty seven miles of good listening . . . we did that twice. We went to Whaleshead and had their chowder which is the best in the area and got in seven miles up there and back so listened to more of the novel. When you listen to a book it is best to stick with it and get over it, but this start and stop business is confusing as to what character is doing what to whom and why. Pat got discussed and took the discs home and finished them so now I am left to wonder what happened at the end. No one will tell me and the discs are on their way to Delaware so Jo can listen to them as she rides to and from her work. I guess I'll just have to buy the book, maybe I'll wait awhile and find it at a yard sale and then I can skim through it until I get to the parts I haven't heard and finish the story. I usually don't care for the actors and actresses that read books as they tend to emote. I would rather sit in my chair and devour the words all by myself. I would be pleased if Hollywood directors would decide to make a movie of this book, then I could find out what it is all about. I think it is the third book about the Masons and symbols and all kinds of skull-duggery, so I have had an education that I had absolutely no interest in but found it to have a pull all its own . . . curiosity I guess.
Speaking of words, I call myself 'lady of words' and have had to have son John reset my blog as I pile up my words and run out of space. I hope the archives are large enough to house all my musings . . . well, I wouldn't want them wasted. I am trying to talk my son into putting all I have done on a disc then it can be stored in case anyone is interested in reading them. I am about to embark on the third set, so if you are following and want to see the old stuff . . . it is in my musings two and three. . . the number one stays as the current spot for me to add a 'few' words to hopefully brighten your day.
John is off to Texas for a week. Pat is hibernating until the weather breaks for another fishing trip. The smoked fish she brought home is very, very tasty, and I am not a smoked fish lover. Now albacore is another story. I am waiting for some one to bring home a big piece of salmon to broil. I'd invite you over if it was a big piece, if small, I devour it all by myself and think about you. The attitude similar to what my friend Tanie used to send me on cards . . . thinking of you . . . as it said she won the lottery and is waving to me off of a huge boat sailing off. Um . . . nah, she wouldn't do that . . . she'd buy me a ticket, maybe not to the same destination but a one way ticket to somewhere. Hey, that is what friends are for.
Do yourself a favor and shut off the television and the news of the hideous ongoing devastation in Haiti. Walk into a church and light a candle for all of the souls that are going into dumpsters to be buried in a mass grave. Reminiscent of the Irish and the famine so many years ago. Life is hard. Life is short. Take a deep breath and say a special prayer that the survivors will find a haven in the end. Everyone is pitching in and doing their best . . . God love them all. Turn around and hug someone close to you today . . . it's okay to say . . . I love you . . . and I do.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


You have to admit that we all go 'ga-ga' over animals no matter what the species. I had several e-mails this week with delightful animal stories from tiny kittens in tea cups to puppies chasing their tails, giving me an excuse to laugh out loud. Then yesterday the e mails were of the animals shown in the photographs. Sheena is a Santaro leopard and lives at an animal shelter in Hertfordshire, England. A young student was assigned a photo project and as he was photographing the leopard a tiny mouse appeared, out of no where, after the keepers dropped lunch for the leopard. The leopard sniffed the mouse, even battered him a bit but the mouse ignored him completely and went on to enjoy his lunch. I would have thought the ending would be that the leopard devoured the mouse but he must have felt generous in sharing his food, or he knew the mouse couldn't possibly eat all of that meat. The article went on to say the student most likely got an "A".
Rupert is a brand new baby. Its mother was killed by a car and could not be saved, the good people of Buckinghamshire, England brought the injured pregnant deer to the animal shelter where the veterinarian performed a cesarean section and saved Rupert who weighed in at one pound and is six inches long. He is being treated like royalty and enjoying all of the attention. It is the hope of the folks at the animal shelter that he will make it. From the write up it sounds like it is difficult to keep such a tiny deer alive. I hope he makes it . . . what a cutie.
All of the stories have been about English animals and I am sure we have plenty to tell right here at home. Daughter Patricia is a dog lover and a friend , away on a visit, has come across a puppy he believes she cannot live without, so we are all anticipating a tiny new blond puppy who we hope will be as soft and as wonderful as Jasmine a dog she brought up as a tiny pup with huge paws and soft brown eyes that everyone in our family came to love . . . a golden retriever. So as 'grandma' I can enjoy the visits and let Pat do all that walking and taking care of retrieving the 'poop' from her yard.
I think we loved Buzz as much. Buzz was a small Jack Russell terrier and he fit his breed to a 't' when he put on his working jacket of bright orange and paraded around like he owned the world, he was as good as gold. He was trained to help the deaf and he did a great job. Of course being a terrier he was a 'terror' and spent a lot of his time trying very hard to get out of the yard. He knew just where the fence showed signs of weakness and he would stroll casually toward that area and dig. "Freedom!" I think the neighbors knew Buzz as well as we did and many a time he was brought back, dirt on his snout, looking sad to be caught, but happy to be back home. He never did get over his romance with wandering the neighborhood until it was his time and he left for bigger and better 'diggins'.
We miss the little chocolate lab that was in our midst for a very short time. I am not sure what was wrong with it, but it had a very strong will and needed a very strong hand to train her. She was a biter and ill tempered, not the usual puppy . . . something was not right so she was returned to the shelter along with her new bed and toys and hopefully someone has found a way to train her but I honestly doubt she will have along life, something is not right.
So I've had my day with animals to train and to love. I am happy to love Pat's dogs and I talk to a neighborhood cat or two. There is a white cat that thinks she owns my porch and loves my back yard. I consult with her on occasion but she goes her way and I go mine and we are happy with that. So my animal days for caring and walking are over and I can pet the neighborhood animals as they visit and wait for a greeting. Me, I'd rather curl up with a good book . . . I don't have to take it out and clean up after it.
So enjoy your pets and love them. I know how much joy they bring to our lives, and that is a two way street. Make today a good one, rain or shine. Count your blessings.

Friday, January 15, 2010


A little sense of humor to brighten your day; and we didn't think pigeons had a purpose in life. A bit of anticipation goes a long way. I once painted a picture of a lovely wall covered with beautiful red flowers and in the center of the garden was a statue of St. Francis of Assisi with a pigeon on his head. I couldn't resist the picture in the magazine and had to paint it; a bit irreverent but then what would our world be like if we did not curry our sense of humor.

I went into Erin's archives to see what is new and different and found a new type of picture that can be put together, similar to an art picture reminding me of Andy Warhol and his famous art pictures of the 'stars'. I think my granddaughter looks every bit as good . . . there I go, using my bragging rights again. I am not sure about the umbrella picture as it is not clear enough for my eyesight. I think it is Erin counting rain drops as she certainly doesn't have the umbrella protecting her from the raindrops. Most likely she is looking for puddles to jump through.
I do love the picture of her hands holding the camera as I know she is having a great time doing something she loves.

As for the pictures we have been seeing on our television screens since the devastating earthquake in Haiti, I wanted to get away from the sights and sounds of the horrific aftermath. I do not watch horror movies so it is much like putting on the television and finding yourself glued to the scenes before you and hating every minute of it. Your heart hurts, your head hurts, and you cannot stop watching the horror because you are looking for a happy ending and there is none. My heart goes out to the people of Haiti who are suffering at this moment and all I can really do is pray. I am uplifted by the men and women who are rushing to the rescue and hope they make it in time to save many. Hundreds of thousands have lost their lives and a country is completely devastated with no one powerful enough to stand up and take over and lead the way until help gets to them. Our countrymen are there and will find a way and soon we will see the order and the help needed. The world at large is slowly and surely coming to help and soon we will be listening to stories of heroic proportions and we will see some light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

So today offer up a prayer or two for all of these souls that are living through an immeasurable tragedy that one cannot even imagine unless they are a part of it. Most of us have had a small taste of a hurricane or a rumble of an earthquake but have no real knowledge of feeling our entire world disintegrate before us. Allow your compassion and love to flow today . . . go light a candle . . . listen for what you can do and do it. Make your day worthwhile.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How come?

Poor old Harry Reid of Nevada, a man I used to admire and liked, but have changed my mind since he became the Senate spokesman and seems to have lost his touch as he and his fellow compatriots follow the leader without much thought to what is best for his constituents . . . ah, power and its destructive best, a common theme when we talk about politicians. At one time he was a man of integrity and spoke his mind and his love for Nevada showed. Now he is apologizing for saying words that are true . . . our President is light skinned, our President does use a dialect when speaking to the Negro population, which by the way is a name that was once said in pride . . . Negro. . . now it is said that this is old fashioned, gone by the wayside and we need to go with African American. We are a nation of blended colors, a mixture of genes that come from so many different sources, there is no 'pure' blooded races in our world. History tells us that when we read about the conquests of war wherever there has been one. . .and there has been one everywhere you can mention. I get tired of all the rhetoric about 'names'; we are who we are and I don't think we were given choices. So Harry Reid, I am not upset about your choice of words, but I am upset about your choice of personal change . . . where is the strong and wonderful man who gave so much to his State and to the people living in it, no matter what they called themselves? You do not read my blog, but I am sure your staff reads my letters. My chore for today, a letter to Harry Reid for old times sake.
So today, if you have a mind to write to someone, think about that representative that may be changing his colors or his name or putting blame on everyone but him or herself. Maybe they need a small reminder that your admiration and vote is in jeopardy and they need to 'get over themselves' and get back to work for America and all of the Americans no matter how they spell their name or the color of their skin . . . black is beautiful; milky white is Divine; yellow spells sunshine; green is our grass; brown is our earth; red is the blood we have spilled along the way to allow us to be American. . . so find your pen and write, you remember how, O O O O and / / / / . . . now that should bring back some old memories.