Thursday, April 15, 2010


My mind wanders, I live in a small town and I cannot find a pair of shoes here. I'd like a new pair and I keep my eye open just in case I find a shoe store that carries my size. I actually had a man come across a room with a friend in hand saying"look at the size of her shoes". . . a bit brash and hardly the thing I expected to hear but when you do have 'Longfellows' which I inherited and passed on, you grin and bear it.
Daughter Christine collects dragons, wonder how she'd like this ice sculpture in her yard. It probably wouldn't last long but isn't it a sight to see? It is very beautiful with such detail and one of the many entries in the ice sculpture contest in Alaska.

This is one of Erin's photographs which reminded me of a class project Patricia had in high school when the art class had to take pictures using the alphabet as their theme. She found her way through town and came up with some wondrous pictures. If I remember she stood under a basket ball hoop for the 'o'. I wish I could remember more but that was some time ago. This picture would have been great as you can see a lot of the alphabet when you look closely. I see an X, Y, H, L, E, O, J and a V; check it out and see how you do.
So today, ours is cool with possible showers, get out and about with your camera and see what you can do snapping pictures with or without the alphabet in mind. I think I suggested this once before, but it is a fun expedition and repeating it can only be fun for you. Remember it doesn't have to be done in a day, a week or even a month. Take your time and enjoy the sights which surround you, and snap away. Make today even better than yesterday. Imagine a big hug to get you on your way.

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