Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today I received an attachment about a family who are making a 7,000 mile "Journey of Discovery" on that special bike. I haven't taken the time to read all about their journey this morning. I only have one eye open and no coffee yet. It is saved for later today when I have time to read from the beginning to the end. Their name is Pedouin, a father, mother, and three daughters. I can hardly wait to read more. If you are interested and want to follow the family, go to:
My imagination soars as I think of the several trips across country with my children, so I can well imagine some of the experiences these folks entertained. We went from Rhode Island to Spokane, Washington in a 1956 Buick, dragging a home made trailer behind, until we got to the Rockies and then left it behind as it had no brakes. We met some wonderful people along the way and some that were not so nice. We had good days and bad and I wrote up most of the story when I did a special family history for my children. You can understand why this story has a lot of appeal for me. Having a dream and fulfilling it, takes courage and stamina, along with a lot of fun and frustration. Oh to have the where-with-all to be able to do it all over again.
So today, after reading about adventures, open your door and go outside and find out what is out there for you today. Who knows, it could be something worthwhile and you may make a new friend . . . go for it, and enjoy today and new and beautiful day. Hugs to All !!

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