A brand new day and right this minute the sun is coming up in the eastern sky and the clouds have disappeared, at least for the moment. Yesterday I watched cloud formations, the like I have never seen before. Talk about awesome beauty. They were thick and gray and filled the sky but with them were puffs of wispy white fluffy balls which reminded me of the fish in the sea. Many times I equate clouds with the ocean waves or a high mountain chain when nature reflects the surrounding scenes of earth in the huge sky. A silent artist painting pictures for us to enjoy. I particularly love the change of colors in our skies from a sun rise to a sun set and when the dark clouds pass us by and leave the shades that create the rainbows.
"Shades and Shadows . . . colors bright, Aah, Good Lord, thank you for such light;
Be it shades of red in morn or night, warning sailors of their plight;
Or shades of yellows, bronze and greens along with purple and magenta scenes.
Rolling shades of gray and black, streaks and flashes of jagged light;
pouring, teeming, dancing rain set prisms in a rainbow sky
a bountiful gift of God's eye.
So today you have a brand new day to contend with....what are you going to do with it? Something special, I hope. Don't forget to light a candle for all 'needs' not 'wants', remember our military in your prayers, along with the desperate trying to survive. Rise above the mundane and reach for being 'almost' perfect . . . like me (smile!) . . . I wish to be good, even better, but it is a long hard road to follow. So . . . do your best and enjoy today. Hugs to all.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
This is a picture of China's Shinkansen, wonder what that word means? Most likely what it is, a high speed train. China has invested over two hundred and ninety three billion dollars in their mode of transportation and they do not want to slow down. According to the article they have a system of connector cabins with which they have on the back and front on the roof of the trains. The passengers enter into the connector boxes and the train slows to allow the passengers to be lifted down and they disembark and go their merry way. It works on both ends of the train but for the life of me I cannot figure out why they would not want to stop and smell the roses. Life goes by quickly enough without coming up with a system that never slows down. I wonder what they do with the engineers.This would be more my speed and most likely I'd be late, not that I wouldn't want to be saved from the deluge, but I don't think I'd be happy with all those smelly animals. Let's face it I am not the world's greatest animal lover. Oh I wouldn't hurt them and I'd most likely pet one or two but I'd be very cautious in case one decided to move in with me.
So today whatever your mode of transportation, train, plane or automobile . . . and even 'shanks mare' enjoy the trip. Be sure to take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way. Stop, look and listen, it's the only way to go. Make today a 'date' day, call a friend or two, enjoy the company and the hugs. Hugs to you.
So today whatever your mode of transportation, train, plane or automobile . . . and even 'shanks mare' enjoy the trip. Be sure to take your time and enjoy the scenery along the way. Stop, look and listen, it's the only way to go. Make today a 'date' day, call a friend or two, enjoy the company and the hugs. Hugs to you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Pups and Politics
Emma the bird dog, or as daughter Patricia said in the caption "some bird dog!". Look at that expression, bet if she were let loose she would show them she had a hunter's instinct and that big bundle of feathers would be floating up and above as she would wrestle with it and shake it to pieces. Emma loves to shake, rattle and roll and is reaching pre-teen years in which she refuses to pay attention . . . that is until YOU get her attention. She's a beauty and given a bit more puppy time she will grow into a wonderful companion, although Pat wonders just how long that is going to take as she came in out of the rain yesterday and made a bee-line for the new couch, shook her wet fur and let mud fly creating a big mess to be cleaned up. Puppies are a lot of fun if you can only be patient until they finally grow up. Um . . . seems we say that about children!!
Nope, I do not like what is going on in our political world either. The news often surprises us with the words written about 'change'. Well this President did promise change. He never said we would like the 'change', nor does he seem to care. I am reminded of a mother who stands over her child waiting for the last pea to go down, when she turns around the pea disappears and the child goes out to play while the dog burps from being overfed. Life is strange and we usually find what goes around comes around, so our future can be full of changes if we get out and vote in the next election.
So today, as you ponder the latest news and scratch your head in amazement and roll your eyes at the latest news, take time to pray for all kinds of changes . . . a change in the weather to start with; a change to healthier eating; and most of all a change in our attitudes . . . what is that saying about how many muscles it takes to make a frown or a smile? . . . the smile wins out every time. Look "Ma" no wrinkles!! Make your day a good one . . . work at it and see how easy it really is. Hugs to all.
Nope, I do not like what is going on in our political world either. The news often surprises us with the words written about 'change'. Well this President did promise change. He never said we would like the 'change', nor does he seem to care. I am reminded of a mother who stands over her child waiting for the last pea to go down, when she turns around the pea disappears and the child goes out to play while the dog burps from being overfed. Life is strange and we usually find what goes around comes around, so our future can be full of changes if we get out and vote in the next election.
So today, as you ponder the latest news and scratch your head in amazement and roll your eyes at the latest news, take time to pray for all kinds of changes . . . a change in the weather to start with; a change to healthier eating; and most of all a change in our attitudes . . . what is that saying about how many muscles it takes to make a frown or a smile? . . . the smile wins out every time. Look "Ma" no wrinkles!! Make your day a good one . . . work at it and see how easy it really is. Hugs to all.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My friend Helen and her two sisters just spend a week in Reno having a reunion and it sounds like they were kicking up their heels and having the time of their lives. Helen called yesterday to say they had a week of laughter reliving some of the antics they went through as young children. Only one was a winner but shared, so they had lots of play time and some very good eating. Our friend Tani joined them for lunch and I wished I could have been along with them. There were seven of us that found time to share over the years, always a different grouping, but always filled with love and laughter.
As we get older and life changes come about we cannot meet and greet each other as we once did. Several of our group have gone on to what we hope is a better life and endless, as promised. All we can do right now, no matter what age, is to take each day as it comes and make it the best we can. I'm musing about wishing for a repeat of some of the old times, but then, I do have to remember that I enjoyed those times and they are long gone and now it is up to me to make the best of today and each day as it comes. There are places to go, things to do and people to meet along the way.
So today, when you open the door and go outside into your world, look around for someone to greet, some one to hug, someone to share a meal with and if that is not possible, then enjoy your own company and be glad of it and make today the best ever.
I'm off to 'clean' up the mess we made getting ready for the yard sale. Now comes the part where you pick and choose and make up boxes either for the mission, the dog place, or storing for another sale in the future. Maybe there is a piece or two that needs showing off at home and it can be exchanged for one that has become an 'eye-sore' . . . for shame ! Nothing is really an eye sore, we just think we need change . . . and sometimes that gets us into trouble. Need or want . . . that is the question! Hugs to all.
As we get older and life changes come about we cannot meet and greet each other as we once did. Several of our group have gone on to what we hope is a better life and endless, as promised. All we can do right now, no matter what age, is to take each day as it comes and make it the best we can. I'm musing about wishing for a repeat of some of the old times, but then, I do have to remember that I enjoyed those times and they are long gone and now it is up to me to make the best of today and each day as it comes. There are places to go, things to do and people to meet along the way.
So today, when you open the door and go outside into your world, look around for someone to greet, some one to hug, someone to share a meal with and if that is not possible, then enjoy your own company and be glad of it and make today the best ever.
I'm off to 'clean' up the mess we made getting ready for the yard sale. Now comes the part where you pick and choose and make up boxes either for the mission, the dog place, or storing for another sale in the future. Maybe there is a piece or two that needs showing off at home and it can be exchanged for one that has become an 'eye-sore' . . . for shame ! Nothing is really an eye sore, we just think we need change . . . and sometimes that gets us into trouble. Need or want . . . that is the question! Hugs to all.
Monday, April 26, 2010
AAh The Moon and Musing
Wandering around last night, in the wee hours of the morning, I saw light coming in the sky light and lo and behold we had a bright moon which I haven't seen for awhile.
This is one of Erin's photographs and I love the mask that makes me think the moon is looking back at us . . . wonder what it is seeing?
I didn't stay up long but cuddled back into my bed and let my mind wander a bit. I had a Sunday call from son Michael and that is always a heart lifter. He is getting ready for a vacation trip to the Dakotas and I hope it is the start of a great road trip. Mike is recuperating from the injury to his arm, slow and painful process, and the change will do him a world of good. His friend, Scoot sent along his latest music and I must say the band has progressed to new heights. I like the beat of song number two and have fifteen more to listen to. Scoot writes to tell me he just had a capo-tunnel operation that was not successful and will have to go back for further work on his arm. I hope it is successful as he would be lost without playing his guitar. Meanwhile son John is back from the top of the world and promises to catch up. I am looking forward to a description of the upper arctic and wonder what wild life he had an opportunity to see. I gather the new fast communication methods have not reached up there, and the little that does is slower than the turtle catching the hare. It will be much brighter when he has time to play catch up. The rest of the family must be keeping busy as silence prevails. I send a "silence is not golden" message but it hasn't done much to awaken any new thoughts coming my way. Communication is the bread line of life, everyone knows that!
Daughter Pat and I are regrouping from our weekend yard sale and now have to find time to box up the left overs and make room for her car again. I'm not sure if the set up is the most work or the take down, but it is work especially in trying to figure out what to toss and what to keep for the next sale, if we have another one, the jury is out on that.
My neighbor Jim is in the hospital because of a heart attack. At eighty-nine he has been doing well and loves riding in his scooter and taking the dogs for a run. There is a big plan afoot for a birthday party to celebrate his 90th year and all of his children are planning to be here. Say a prayer that all goes well and he makes it. With all those thoughts swirling around my head, sleep was illusive for a time, but I'm not sure what triggers the sleep pattern to return, but it did, and next I knew it was six a.m. . . . wow . . . for me that is mid day. I'm off to put on my coffee pot and fix myself some breakfast. Wish you were here to share some with me.
So today, the beginning of a new week, lets hope you are up and moving and doing. The other eye will open as soon as you have your morning breakfast and that second cuppa . . . latte? coffee? tea? make it hot and tasty and enjoy today, make it a good one . . . Hugs to all.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today I received an attachment about a family who are making a 7,000 mile "Journey of Discovery" on that special bike. I haven't taken the time to read all about their journey this morning. I only have one eye open and no coffee yet. It is saved for later today when I have time to read from the beginning to the end. Their name is Pedouin, a father, mother, and three daughters. I can hardly wait to read more. If you are interested and want to follow the family, go to: http://www.pedouins.org.
My imagination soars as I think of the several trips across country with my children, so I can well imagine some of the experiences these folks entertained. We went from Rhode Island to Spokane, Washington in a 1956 Buick, dragging a home made trailer behind, until we got to the Rockies and then left it behind as it had no brakes. We met some wonderful people along the way and some that were not so nice. We had good days and bad and I wrote up most of the story when I did a special family history for my children. You can understand why this story has a lot of appeal for me. Having a dream and fulfilling it, takes courage and stamina, along with a lot of fun and frustration. Oh to have the where-with-all to be able to do it all over again.
So today, after reading about adventures, open your door and go outside and find out what is out there for you today. Who knows, it could be something worthwhile and you may make a new friend . . . go for it, and enjoy today and new and beautiful day. Hugs to All !!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tired, Tired, Tired
In what daughter Patricia spouted this week, "this is my final fourteen year annual I'll never do this again sale" and it was two full days of a garage sale and we were only one of the ninety five here in Brookings. Patricia came over to pick me up and stopped along the way to put up signs for the upcoming weekend. It was Friday morning and the moon had not left the sky, clouds scudded by trying to decide whether or not to stay or go as we were followed home by folks in a truck. We told them we were not ready yet, give us ten minutes but they couldn't wait ten minutes, as soon as the garage door was up they were looking around hoping to find a treasure. Well we had treasures, lots of them, beautiful glass pieces, pictures, pitchers, pottery, fishing poles, hundreds of books, and we had worked very hard to make our garage sale look like a antique shop complete with a jewelry case and glass enclosed 'do-hickeys' that housed the real treasures. Well, as long as we were open we might just as well stay open and the traffic was heavy for the entire day. We were going to treat ourselves to dinner out but believe it or not neither of us could move our bodies for want of a hot shower and a comfortable seat in our own chair. We didn't move for the rest of the night.
At six a.m. Patricia was over with the newspaper and chauffeur me to her garage where the remainder of the treasures were waiting to be rearranged. The clouds looked ominous and there was a bit of mist in the air and our spirits went down a peg or two wondering if we were going to have a rainy day. Luck held, the clouds disappeared and the sun came out along with a bit of wind. We opened the garage doors and our annual ladies came to fill up their bags and boxes with special items they will resell in their stores. They told us last year they didn't get to our sale until the end of day and wished they had known about us as 'we were the best in town' . . . well, how's that for developing a reputation? Pretty good eh? They stocked up and said they would come again but will we do this again? Not sure right now as we found a few things we didn't like. Someone helped themselves to one of the nursery rhyme collectibles, another stole a pocket knife. Mid day the 'different folks' come out, those with a complete difference in style and manners. It is down right scary when the moms come with five children all under four and want to push the strollers through the narrow aisles with all that glass. One brought her dog, as Andy Rooney would say, " I love dogs, but they do not have to go everywhere we go." and he is right, I, for one, agree with him. Small dogs and small children do not belong at garage sales filled with breakables.
I am pleased to report that the books sold very well. We must have had fifteen boxes of books, mostly hard-backs and all in good condition. It was nice to have some conversations with the buyers and find out who their favorite author is and what kind of books they liked to read. One young lady about ten picked up a book on birds, it was part of a series, so I gave her an offer she couldn't refuse, the entire set for the price of one. She was tickled, so was her mom, but this young lady is using her brain and it was good to see.
Today, our second day, was just as busy and just as heart warming as the majority of the people who came to see us were truly wonderful. There is always one or two spoil sports who want something for nothing but it didn't spoil our fun. We held fast and let them stew and sold the item they wanted to someone with a smile. We are just good people persons.....and how they respond to a smile. Tired? Exhausted would be a good choice of words. Would we consider doing it one more time? I'm not sure either of us will have the kind of energy needed, but I'm willing to take bets we have it in our minds for ONE more time. I think the next city wide one is in September.
So save your pennies and maybe you can plot and plan a trip this way and you can be a buyer in the cleanest, neatest, best stocked garage sale in the town of Brookings. Think about it and know we would love to sell you a special treasure just because you are you. Have a great day, maybe there is a yard sale in your town. I hope so. Hugs!
Friday, April 23, 2010
The attachment I received yesterday in one of the e-mails showed pictures of animals that were a delight to look at, so it was hard to pick and choose. I looked for a tale to tell in each one so I could share a few antics with you.
I loved the robin in the snow squall. I wonder how much of a surprise it was for this poor bird to wake up and find that spring was still on the way. We have had that kind of spring this year, long, wet, cold but with the promise of sunshine. Our resident deer look like this one and they come by every day to stop and munch on the new buds. I haven't seen one stop and share though as when I open the door with camera in hand, they look up at me as if to ask what I want and to go away and not bother them. They really are beautiful and fast moving when they are threatened.
I loved the robin in the snow squall. I wonder how much of a surprise it was for this poor bird to wake up and find that spring was still on the way. We have had that kind of spring this year, long, wet, cold but with the promise of sunshine. Our resident deer look like this one and they come by every day to stop and munch on the new buds. I haven't seen one stop and share though as when I open the door with camera in hand, they look up at me as if to ask what I want and to go away and not bother them. They really are beautiful and fast moving when they are threatened.
I got a kick out of the birds on the limb. You can almost see your children when they were young shouting, 'move over, stop pushing!' I enjoy watching birds of all kinds. Right now the pelicans are coming back to the river and their favorite rocks. They share space with the gulls and the pigeons. People insist on feeding them people food and it is sad because they get spoiled and then refuse to fend for themselves. It is like helping people who neither want or ask for help and their pride and stamina are taken away leaving them dependant in body and soul.
I have no idea what the bird is in the water. It looks similar to a crane. It just interested me enough to add its picture on the blog today. I have a bird book in my bookcase and if I were more awake I could get the book out and look this one up . . . but then I'd have to move out of my comfort zone and if I move then I'm going to move to the kitchen and make my coffee.
So today, one more 'given' day, get up, get out and smell the flowers there are fields of buttercups around. I wish I could remember the little saying about holding a buttercup under your chin. It had to do with our skin picking up the color of the flower so I suppose we likened it to loving butter . . . who knows? I don't remember but we thought it was fun to do. We liked to take the blossoming dandelions and blow the wispy fluff away as we sang out, 'he loves me, he loves me not'. Imagination, never lose it as it keeps you in good stead to follow your dreams. Make today 'your' day. Hugs to all.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The weather is finally changing and along with it the birds are very busy building nests. This year the birds have chosen to build a nest right over the front porch area, somewhere in the eaves and I cannot see where. I have swept the porch every day this week as bits and pieces of twigs and leaves are scattered by the front door. The birds are already making a path towards the front door so I am sure I will be dive bombed every time I go in and out. They leave their dropping, large white puddles for me to step in and I am not a happy camper about this nest building. I really don't mind if they build a nest but why not in the lovely bird houses that dot the back yard. Why can't they be more obliging and choose a spot that is safer and more secluded than the front of my house. Oh well, to each his own, just hope that they know me and do not go on the attack every time I walk out my front door.
I am hoping for a more successful venture this year as last year they nested in the little bird house on the back porch and it was fun to watch the proceedings on a daily basis. I never did get to see their finished products but at least they seem to know me and never dived at me. One mother bird used to sit on the railing and just watch me watching her nest. I tried a tiny whistle like noise to say ' don't be afraid, I won't hurt your babies' but I think when the wind blew hard one day it blew the little house over into a very large flower pot and the signs of tiny eggs and a lot of rubble spewed into it. That may have been the end of the fledglings and I felt very sad as I wanted to see the little ones flying about and enjoying my yard.
So today, when you go outside, look around and see if a bird or two is nesting in your yard., I hope so, then you will know how wonderful it feels to bird watch and delight in their prowess as builders and parents. They set a fine example of patience, parenting and love, maybe, just maybe they are copying us . . . or could it be the other way around? Go, today is what you make of it . . . just be sure you make it a good one.
I am hoping for a more successful venture this year as last year they nested in the little bird house on the back porch and it was fun to watch the proceedings on a daily basis. I never did get to see their finished products but at least they seem to know me and never dived at me. One mother bird used to sit on the railing and just watch me watching her nest. I tried a tiny whistle like noise to say ' don't be afraid, I won't hurt your babies' but I think when the wind blew hard one day it blew the little house over into a very large flower pot and the signs of tiny eggs and a lot of rubble spewed into it. That may have been the end of the fledglings and I felt very sad as I wanted to see the little ones flying about and enjoying my yard.
So today, when you go outside, look around and see if a bird or two is nesting in your yard., I hope so, then you will know how wonderful it feels to bird watch and delight in their prowess as builders and parents. They set a fine example of patience, parenting and love, maybe, just maybe they are copying us . . . or could it be the other way around? Go, today is what you make of it . . . just be sure you make it a good one.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Look Ma, No Hands!
Clips from an e mail showing pictures of animals on how opposites attract. I wonder what this dog is thinking this minute . . . that kitten has found its soul mate.
You go first, no, I'll go first. Ever get into that situation. I bet you have many times. It never pays to be in a rush, one never knows how wide the path or who is waiting in the wings.
Go fetch! You can't keep this little guy down. When he was told to fetch the stick, he made sure he found a big one. It reminds me that sometimes we take on a bit more than we can chew, but being dauntless ones, it doesn't seem to matter as we try to 'fit the bill.'
Here is our Emma. Pat took her picture as she was laying on her bed tuckered out from being out side playing with her two neighbor dog friends. They have such a good time but when Emma comes home she is ready for a nap. The caption on this picture was ' waiting for Erin to call.' I bet when Erin did see this picture she called. My grand-dogger is growing by leaps and bounds. She changes size by the day and so far has shown how smart she is but, there goes my favorite word, she manages to stay a puppy and gets herself into all kinds of mischief. She just will not stop jumping up when she sees you. She knows nothing but happiness as her tail spins like a windmill in her happiness to see you.
You go first, no, I'll go first. Ever get into that situation. I bet you have many times. It never pays to be in a rush, one never knows how wide the path or who is waiting in the wings.
Go fetch! You can't keep this little guy down. When he was told to fetch the stick, he made sure he found a big one. It reminds me that sometimes we take on a bit more than we can chew, but being dauntless ones, it doesn't seem to matter as we try to 'fit the bill.'
Here is our Emma. Pat took her picture as she was laying on her bed tuckered out from being out side playing with her two neighbor dog friends. They have such a good time but when Emma comes home she is ready for a nap. The caption on this picture was ' waiting for Erin to call.' I bet when Erin did see this picture she called. My grand-dogger is growing by leaps and bounds. She changes size by the day and so far has shown how smart she is but, there goes my favorite word, she manages to stay a puppy and gets herself into all kinds of mischief. She just will not stop jumping up when she sees you. She knows nothing but happiness as her tail spins like a windmill in her happiness to see you.
So today enjoy the animals in your life if you are lucky enough to have some. All they want is to be loved . . . don't we all? Yesterday there was a clip of a soldier returning home from Iraq and his dog was the first out the door to greet him. It was pure pleasure to watch that dog and his master reunited. Tune into U Tube and see some of the clips that are on the computer these days and be introduced to some heartwarming stories, real life is full of them if we stop to look and listen. Make your day special . . . you are!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The latest in political awareness and I am laughing as I was trying to find a picture that would depict my gripes and groans over all of the advertisements on the television. I am about to write to my representatives to ask for them to create a bill that would put a stop to a dozen ads per minute on our television screens, giving us ten minutes of a show and fifty minutes of ads. Fat chance, I know, as they wouldn't get the big bucks for their next run for Congress or the Senate.
As I see it, this is a picture of an old fashioned housekeeper . . . where are all the latest gadgets? A corn broom, a string mop, a very old model of a vacuum cleaner, an apron from the forties, my how Madison Avenue has let us down. Don't get me wrong, I have most of these in my broom closet just waiting for me to put my apron on and get to work, but where are the new steam machines that clean everything from the floor to the ceiling? Where are the fancy no bag vacuums? When did you last see an apron for sale? Even though I mute the ads and swear never to buy the product shown, my mind absorbs the pictures without words.
My thoughts are to do away with cable. I can still watch movies and they do sell my favorite shows on dvd without an ad in sight. What a pleasure it is to watch a movie or one of the series without having to listen to or watch an ad of poor taste and getting worse all the time. I wouldn't miss the sit coms as I never watch them. I find they are usually course and the next step is vulgar. They remind me of the old T&A movies the young men thought sex was all about. Speaking of movies both on TV and in the movie theaters, I'm not finding much in quality anymore. I guess I've reached the age of 'reason', and 'stuck' in my ways.
So today turn on your television and see if you feel the same about the ads . . . see if you can come up with a solution. My thought is that if it is advertised on the show I want to watch then I wont buy the product, but then most of the stuff they advertise I can't afford anyway. . . and if I could then I'd be true to my conviction of being a captive audience and buy a different brand of whatever it is I needed. Yeah for my team!!!!
As I see it, this is a picture of an old fashioned housekeeper . . . where are all the latest gadgets? A corn broom, a string mop, a very old model of a vacuum cleaner, an apron from the forties, my how Madison Avenue has let us down. Don't get me wrong, I have most of these in my broom closet just waiting for me to put my apron on and get to work, but where are the new steam machines that clean everything from the floor to the ceiling? Where are the fancy no bag vacuums? When did you last see an apron for sale? Even though I mute the ads and swear never to buy the product shown, my mind absorbs the pictures without words.
My thoughts are to do away with cable. I can still watch movies and they do sell my favorite shows on dvd without an ad in sight. What a pleasure it is to watch a movie or one of the series without having to listen to or watch an ad of poor taste and getting worse all the time. I wouldn't miss the sit coms as I never watch them. I find they are usually course and the next step is vulgar. They remind me of the old T&A movies the young men thought sex was all about. Speaking of movies both on TV and in the movie theaters, I'm not finding much in quality anymore. I guess I've reached the age of 'reason', and 'stuck' in my ways.
So today turn on your television and see if you feel the same about the ads . . . see if you can come up with a solution. My thought is that if it is advertised on the show I want to watch then I wont buy the product, but then most of the stuff they advertise I can't afford anyway. . . and if I could then I'd be true to my conviction of being a captive audience and buy a different brand of whatever it is I needed. Yeah for my team!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
A bit different to see a flock of colorful birds surround the seeds of life and make a wreath of friendship . . . no shoving, no pushing, one just moves over and makes room. A pretty good idea, don't you think?
A gift to the United States of America from a foreign country recognizing those who died in war. I wish I had the information to share as to what government and what war. I liken it to a tear drop as so many tears have been shed throughout history when we lose those so close and so dear to us.
A helicopter landing probably in a jungle and the picture captures the essence of peace, not war. So many have given their lives in the jungles of the world. I just wish I understood why.
A helicopter landing probably in a jungle and the picture captures the essence of peace, not war. So many have given their lives in the jungles of the world. I just wish I understood why.
I like the feeling of this picture of the majestic eagle, a bit different but it says a lot. It reminds me of strength, courage and conviction, so today be an eagle and be true to your own convictions. If you can make a little time, stop by and light a candle for our men and women now over in the world arena of hate and pray for an ending to the loss of our good men and women.
It is Monday the start of a brand new week. Take it one day as it comes and make it a memory builder.
It is Monday the start of a brand new week. Take it one day as it comes and make it a memory builder.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Yard Sale -Never Again
I have been looking through the pictures I have stored in the computer and am amazed at what I have already donated to yard sales long gone and forgotten. It has been an on going project to try and find a treasure or two. The hutch in the picture is beautiful, solid maple and houses some ceramic figurines. The Norman Rockwell hobo is no longer. I just pulled the base, the dog and the few little pieces out, the hobo is long gone. The boys playing cards are out for sale this coming weekend sale and the lady with the apple lost her hand with the apple and is re-glued and 'as is' for any one who wants to look at her for awhile. She really was a beautiful piece and a favorite. The falconer on the top shelf was a favorite and has disappeared to some box somewhere, along with some other treasures that daughter Pat gave to the thrift shop after she got tired of falling over the box in her garage as we waited for the next sale. Well, the next sale is this coming weekend and we have this week to prepare. I will have to take a picture of Pat's garage and let you see for yourselves what a 'shop' we have. We must have at least ten large boxes of books and I just thought of the puzzles I've finished sitting on the floor of my closet which will need to be taken over and added to our collection. So our treasures are about to go for dollars and cents or 'best offer' with the hope we will get over our fever for collecting and Pat can put her car back into her garage.
So today when you look around your home and see your collectables and wonder how and why you got so many, think 'yard sale' and get them ready to move on to new quarters and let someone else enjoy them for while. Put the money you get from your sale and save it for the upcoming sales so you can enjoy the hunt and change your decor. Sad you are not here to rummage through all the beautiful treasures we have to finish pricing. As Pat says, "It is my last annual yard sale . . . never again . . . until next year!" So there will be at least one hundred sales in Brookings next weekend, swing buy, we will give you 'a deal'! Make your today a good one, enjoy every minute of it.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
According to the dictionary "mood" is a temporary state of mind. It goes on to note 'humor', 'temper' and even 'anti-social behavior.' My, that is a lot to digest early this morning. I woke up in a mood. I wanted to sleep in this morning, instead I followed the octogenarian two step of waking up every hour on the hour. Of course I know what brings this all about, you know, the 'power naps' which come more often than naught due to waking up at varied intervals all night. A vicious circle . A sleeping pill could probably change things, but I don't like to take pills of any kind. I figure if I move about long and hard enough I'll work up a tiredness that will see me through the night. Wishful thinking I know, but I keep trying and one of these nights I am going to sleep the entire night through. It is the 'when' I can't tell you.
I have to laugh as our 'mood' changes so much just in one day. We go from sad, to happy, to joyous or crestfallen in seconds and minutes depending on how our day is going. People that surround us bear a responsibility for our 'mood' as we pick up on their moods. Some make us laugh, some make us cry and some make us angry thus creating our 'mood' for the day.
Music can change our tune depending what we are listening too. If it is classical music then quiet is needed; if a new pop tune with a beat then our hearts light up and our feet respond. Books can change our thoughts too, but it is the Art that can give us sadness, peace, contentment or make us angry. Imagine the mind of the artist, the hands that work the brush into strokes that can change our mood in seconds. Color too has its effect on all of us . . . red gives us energy; blue calmness and peace; yellow warmth; and green serenity.
Yesterday was tax day and that probably put you in a 'mood', as my cartoon friend Maxine said "can't decide whether to use my tax refund for a stick of gum, or save up for a postage stamp." Then she said, " At my age, having Uncle Sam put his hands in my pockets is about the only action I get." I can relate to that . . . as for 'action' I get all of that I need just trying to get out of a chair.
So today, decide on your 'mood' and make it uplifting for yourself and those around you. Ignore the 'moody' and go out and have a Saturday that has purpose and meaning. It is your day off, so enjoy every second of it. My mood has changed already as I am going to have a hot fudge sundae today . . . aah . . . butterscotch with caramel sauce and vanilla with chocolate sauce, a few nuts and a pinch of cream, now that is a mood changer. Go find one!
I have to laugh as our 'mood' changes so much just in one day. We go from sad, to happy, to joyous or crestfallen in seconds and minutes depending on how our day is going. People that surround us bear a responsibility for our 'mood' as we pick up on their moods. Some make us laugh, some make us cry and some make us angry thus creating our 'mood' for the day.
Music can change our tune depending what we are listening too. If it is classical music then quiet is needed; if a new pop tune with a beat then our hearts light up and our feet respond. Books can change our thoughts too, but it is the Art that can give us sadness, peace, contentment or make us angry. Imagine the mind of the artist, the hands that work the brush into strokes that can change our mood in seconds. Color too has its effect on all of us . . . red gives us energy; blue calmness and peace; yellow warmth; and green serenity.
Yesterday was tax day and that probably put you in a 'mood', as my cartoon friend Maxine said "can't decide whether to use my tax refund for a stick of gum, or save up for a postage stamp." Then she said, " At my age, having Uncle Sam put his hands in my pockets is about the only action I get." I can relate to that . . . as for 'action' I get all of that I need just trying to get out of a chair.
So today, decide on your 'mood' and make it uplifting for yourself and those around you. Ignore the 'moody' and go out and have a Saturday that has purpose and meaning. It is your day off, so enjoy every second of it. My mood has changed already as I am going to have a hot fudge sundae today . . . aah . . . butterscotch with caramel sauce and vanilla with chocolate sauce, a few nuts and a pinch of cream, now that is a mood changer. Go find one!
Friday, April 16, 2010
My first e-mail this morning was all about sky walks, engineering feats that make the brain stand up and be counted for. They are stupendous achievements all above three to four thousand feet about sea level. They are all over the world from the 'balcony of the Alps", to the fjords of Norway. Our own Grand Canyon with its Horseshoe shape to the drenched spray and deafening roar of water that plunges 90 feet in Brazil. In Wisconsin there is a landmark 'house' on the rock opened in 1959 with unique rooms, streets, gardens and shops . . . now that I'd like to see. What an experience it would be to travel the world and stand on these awesome creations. I'm not one for heights but they are build so strong it seems there is nothing to be afraid of . . . of course you would have to have a strong sense of balance as you edge to the rim of a glass enclosure allowing you to look down into the majestic falls or the dense forests, and in one case, city streets. The views are spectacular and we owe a debt of gratitude to the wonderful engineers and architects who make it possible for us to walk out into the rarefied air and see the beauty that surrounds us.
So today, if you have a chance to stop and look at the pictures, it will give you some dreaming time of a vacation in the future when you might make an opportunity to visit one or even many of these wonders. As for me, I am satisfied with my arm chair view . . . it is safer but not as much fun. Don't forget your camera if you do go and know that if you go to the Grand Canyon they make you wear special socks so you wont scratch the glass. Wonder if they charge much for them? Um . . . I bet they do.
It is Friday already, can't believe that mid April is here and we are heading towards our annual city yard sale day. Pat and I are busy hauling and pulling out lots of treasures and a mountain of books to 'get rid of'. We pledge no more, too much stuff, but I think Pat's words this morning were 'there is a yard sale at ten.' Yep! I'd better get dressed and be ready after all you never know what treasure is out there looking for you. Enjoy today!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My mind wanders, I live in a small town and I cannot find a pair of shoes here. I'd like a new pair and I keep my eye open just in case I find a shoe store that carries my size. I actually had a man come across a room with a friend in hand saying"look at the size of her shoes". . . a bit brash and hardly the thing I expected to hear but when you do have 'Longfellows' which I inherited and passed on, you grin and bear it.
Daughter Christine collects dragons, wonder how she'd like this ice sculpture in her yard. It probably wouldn't last long but isn't it a sight to see? It is very beautiful with such detail and one of the many entries in the ice sculpture contest in Alaska.
This is one of Erin's photographs which reminded me of a class project Patricia had in high school when the art class had to take pictures using the alphabet as their theme. She found her way through town and came up with some wondrous pictures. If I remember she stood under a basket ball hoop for the 'o'. I wish I could remember more but that was some time ago. This picture would have been great as you can see a lot of the alphabet when you look closely. I see an X, Y, H, L, E, O, J and a V; check it out and see how you do.
So today, ours is cool with possible showers, get out and about with your camera and see what you can do snapping pictures with or without the alphabet in mind. I think I suggested this once before, but it is a fun expedition and repeating it can only be fun for you. Remember it doesn't have to be done in a day, a week or even a month. Take your time and enjoy the sights which surround you, and snap away. Make today even better than yesterday. Imagine a big hug to get you on your way.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
A scenic route
Friends sent pictures yesterday of a jaunt they took to Pine Top in Arizona. They likened the mountain scenery to the Grand Canyon and found the winding roads a challenge. They enjoyed every minute of their trip and took many pictures which they shared. How wonderful it is to see places I will never see.
Back home in their garden are beautiful cactus plants. Isn't it amazing how such huge spike leaves can produce such beautiful colored flowers. Amidst rocks and shale you find beauty unfold.
A little humor as the caption says "Nice Kitties" I hope the little baby skunks were polite and didn't spray.
Aah, patience is a virtue but there is something to be said about 'trying ones patience' and from this picture it looks like the folks have had it. That's one way to use up the ketchup. I wish I had thought of it when service has been bad.
So today, work on your patience and if you are looking to plan a vacation, think Arizona, there is a lot of beauty in that State but don't wait for the summer weather or you will wilt away. Alaska sounds good but I understand the mosquitoes grow pretty big up there. Brookings has a lot to offer, ocean scenery, agate hunting on a beach, clam chowder and fish and chips and I've been told my coffee is pretty good . . . the door is open. Make today a good one.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Showing Off
This is daughter Pat that I talk about in my blogs. She does not like having her picture taken and usually will cover her face and hide behind her hands. I have no idea why because she is beautiful both inside and out.
Son John loves his big maroon chair, come to think of it, so does anyone who comes in to visit. It is comfortable, big, wide, has that 'sink in' feeling and it looks like it beckons you to come and sit awhile. That shirt John is wearing shows some of the animals he is seeing right now as he accepted a job up in Anchorage, Alaska.
Son John loves his big maroon chair, come to think of it, so does anyone who comes in to visit. It is comfortable, big, wide, has that 'sink in' feeling and it looks like it beckons you to come and sit awhile. That shirt John is wearing shows some of the animals he is seeing right now as he accepted a job up in Anchorage, Alaska.
Daughter Christine celebrating a birthday with Pat's carrot cake which is so delicious.
Here is son Michael playing his guitar. He played with "The Shocker" band with his friend John on drums and Scoot the song writer and singer, another guitar player. I wrote words that they put to music and it was quite a thrill to hear the finished work. No, I don't make a habit of it, but had to try it once.
Here is son Michael playing his guitar. He played with "The Shocker" band with his friend John on drums and Scoot the song writer and singer, another guitar player. I wrote words that they put to music and it was quite a thrill to hear the finished work. No, I don't make a habit of it, but had to try it once.
Daughter Christine again. She doesn't get to visit often and when she does we are inclined to take lots of pictures of her. She is my first born and is very much her own person. I'm inclined to use the word procrastinate but she claims her once a year visit with boxes of gifts that cover all of the long gone birthdays and holidays is the only way to celebrate. She may be smarter than we are.
John in his office. He loves the view, only a birds eye view of the ocean but we can see it from the back porch. Son Michael re built the porch for me last year and did a terrific job. John is the second procrastinator of the family, although he looks like a pack rat he really is very organized. He just does it his way and come to think about it, he does a very good job of it. . . not my style but then his reaction if I complain is "Close the door." and I do.
So today if you have family to visit or visa-versa, then open the door of your heart and welcome them with open arms. Celebrate your time together and remember that hugs go a long way, and words from the heart are never forgotten. Today can be the best day yet.
So today if you have family to visit or visa-versa, then open the door of your heart and welcome them with open arms. Celebrate your time together and remember that hugs go a long way, and words from the heart are never forgotten. Today can be the best day yet.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Other Granddaughter
Emma . . . a granddogger and what a sweetie. She started off small and round as a butterball and within two months she gained seventeen pounds and at least a foot in length. Her tail is long and curly and her fur is the color of honey. She has the personality of a comic and gives her owner, daughter Pat, a run for her money. Emma is smart and her antics keep Pat laughing out loud. They have bonded and it is so good to see the two of them enjoying each day as it comes.
Pat's neighbor Maggie has two dogs on the other side of the fence. As you can see Emma wants to be with them and have some fun. She goes over for visits and visa-versa so she knows who her friends are, but that pesky fence gets in the way and she ponders a tunnel in her dreams. I think Pat put the caption on this picture as "What hole?" Look at the expression, one of innocence right?
When Emma comes to visit me, her greeting is always enthusiastic and she bounces up and down as she leads me to the kitchen cupboard where she knows her goodies are kept. She walks out into the kitchen and sits. I don't have to tell her. She knows and the cookie is devoured in record time. She heads for the living room where there are a couple of squeaky toys and brings me one to play pull and tug. How she loves to play and is such fun to watch. Pat said she had fun watching her trying to decide how she could manage two balls at once. She didn't want to give either of them up.
It has not taken Emma long to bond and settle in. She picks up her leash and heads for the door, she knows what she wants to do rain or shine. Her basket of toys, a big fenced yard, buddies next door and she found her true love and companion in a warm and loving master who counts her as a blessing every day. Patricia with a dog is a 'given' and life for the two of them has become happy and special.
So today, if you have a pet treasure it and give it the love and attention it deserves. You can be a cat person or a dog person or maybe have a bird or a gold fish, but whatever balances out your life, shower it with love and be thankful for the love you receive in return. Make today a good one.
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