Sunday, February 28, 2010


The latest or I should say the newest car on the market, or it will be next year, as Volkswagon has done it again . . . a six hundred dollar one seater car that gets 258 miles per gallon and China gets first crack at it. The caption said it was a 'four wheel motorcycle with a roof'. I'd like to buy one for my granddaughter to toodle around in but how would it stand up in the California traffic patterns. She would probably love it and it wouldn't bother her a bit. On the other hand I bet she and her friends would love a trip to the New Jersey park that came up with the latest roller coaster ride. The friend that sent this picture on said 'it is insane, and so is anyone who would venture to ride it' and the last picture showed the people who braved the first ride with very wet slacks!

Here it is the end of February, twenty eight days passed like the wink of an eye. Erin and her friend Ernesto came to visit us for Valentine Day . Of course the visit wasn't long enough, it never is, and Erin got to meet her 'sister' Emma, the new puppy who thought she was such fun to be with. They had no trouble playing out in the yard as they got to know each other. Emma is growing very fast and I think has doubled her size already. Pat was telling a story on her yesterday. She has a collection of sock monkeys and Emma was told they were off limits to her. A big 'no' whenever she thought to take one to her basket of toys, but Emma didn't want to hear that and when Pat wasn't looking she took one of the sock monkeys from the chair and hid it under her bedding along with some other toys figuring Pat wouldn't notice . . . sneaky little devil, but she got caught and the sock monkey is still off limits and the door closed to further forays to forbidden treasures. Erin usually has her camera ready, wonder if she took pictures of Emma while she was here. I'll have to ask. As a photographer she is busy and knows her stuff. Finding extra work to do like taking portrait pictures or weddings is like second nature for her.

Here she is with her friend Jessica and you can see by their expressions they love being together. 'that's what friends are for'

I almost forgot, speaking of cars, I had an e mail attachment showing the celebration of the Ford Model T built by Henry Ford and his workers back in 1909. The film was fascinating as it showed the assembly lines 'filing' wooden wheel spokes. The Model T sold for $950. which was a lot of money back then, hand cranked, not always easy to do; and all of them black as there was not color preference in those days. It was ten times faster than the horse and buggy and went over roads and places our modern day car would never dare venture.
So today, go outside and drive your mode of transportation around, that is if you have passable roads. More storms on the east coast and we, here on the west coast have a very, very, cold morning with sunshine. Pat came in and put her hands on my neck and I froze. Brrr.... but you are tough so get out there and have some fun. John is watching the dog racing in Anchorage and hopefully taking some pictures. Pick up the telephone and invite someone along.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Construction and Destruction

Hoover Dam update pictures. As the old expression goes, 'my hat is off ' to the construction workers who build such wonders. The skill and knowledge it takes to create such marvels. The plotters and the planners deserve a lot of credit for drawing up the plans, but it is the actual workers who deserve a medal for what they do and how they do it. The segment of the bridge over Hoover Dam will be spectacular and a far cry from its inception in 1931. It was a wonder then but it is going to be spectacular when it is finished. I would like a ride over it, one more time in its new beauty.
The cartoon got my attention. I was never one to go to a club to see the 'male strippers' as I never thought it was worth the price of admission, if there was one. I listened to those who did go and wondered if they had lost a little piece of their minds. It is much like watching 'go-go' dancers in a dark nightclub with mindless attention. I'm really not a prude, honest, it is just that I find it demeaning for the men and women to participate in such activities. It is like bathroom humor which I think is dumb.
The decaying morals have brought us from our feet to our seat and the results are showing more and more in our every day life. The mystery of romance has gone from our lives and 'reality' is the theme for the day. We are living with the changes of life, but oh for the niceties that once existed in our world. A man doffed his hat when he passed a lady. He placed her in the inside of a walk to protect her from harm. He opened a door and allowed her to enter. He squired her around, proposed, married her and they built a life together. It was not always ice cream and roses as there were problems for everyone to work on to survive, but it was a far cry from what is going on today. The moral fabric is torn and needs mending and male strippers and go-go dancers are not the answer. They only create an inner loneliness that cries for the attention of the one you want to share your life with but are to lazy to show the moral fiber necessary to take a vow for both the good and the bad.
So today look around when you are out there in the world intertwining with your fellow man. Look closely and see the 'good' in each of them . Be a teacher and set the example by your good living and maybe it will catch on. Who knows, we might make our world a stronger and better place to survive in. How do I do that? Damn, another lecture!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mother Nature on the rampage.

It is terrifying just to see it as it zooms over the skies, a solid mass of energy that took everything in its path and then some. These pictures were taken in Bay, Ms. but I have no name to credit the pictures too. The tidal wave was over thirty five feet high and destroyed nine miles of the coast line leaving 14,000 homeless and destitute.

On the other hand, I was fascinated to read that in 1911 Niagara Falls froze solid, unimaginable, couldn't believe it and I had never heard the story of this phenomenon. What a year that must have been and imagine how cold it had to be to freeze the falls. I got to see Niagara Falls back in the sixties when we made our first trip across country. I had always wanted to see the falls and found the honeymoon city of Niagara very dirty and smelly. We went across the border into Canada where they had a lovely city park and got to see them from there. We went on across Ontario Provence until we got to Michigan than left Canada for Port Huron, Michigan and on until we wandered to Spokane, Washington where we stayed a whole year. The rest is more travel history for another time.

I found the pictures awesome and wondered who resurrected them. I am glad they did as it shows us a little of our history. Imagine the Niagara Falls frozen . . . I cannot. I wonder if it will happen again. Many things happen in one hundred year increments, maybe it is about time for another freeze. If you asked the folks on the East Coast about this winter, they would probably tell you that they are 'in' a deep freeze. Another storm due in there this weekend and my poor friend Joellen is about to take to the shovel one more time. She loves walking in the snow so has gotten that our of her system this winter but her attitude has been super good and she has not complained once . . . at least not out loud.

Imagine walking through a canyon of frozen water . . . Niagara Falls . . . it is truly an awesome sight.

So, today when you are out and about hopefully walking in some sunshine . . . it is raining here again today as we slosh around hoping to find something to keep our attitude from gloom and doom, get out in the fresh air and take deep breaths and use those facial muscles to smile and greet your fellow neighbors. I think the next best bet for some one smart and clever person, with money, is to build a huge walking arena, much like the baseball stadiums, for people, especially those in places where there are no walking areas in inclement weather. There could be a coffee/tea shop in the center, winding pathways that could lead to the ceiling for those with good legs and then the slower paths for those of us whose legs have already done all they can in this lifetime. You can identify them easily as they push their walkers, with seats, and wheels, and shuffle the two step down the road. I'm thinking of getting one for me. . . do you think they have wide seats, or are they all one size fits all? Well, you are not ready for one yet, so get out there and exercise, give your heart a gift today. Hugs to you all.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ugly or Beautiful

A pink armadillo, one of the pictures of the strange creatures that I found so fascinating not too long ago. I was looking for a picture of interest and this one should do it. I have no idea when the picture was taken or by whom, but I found such beauty in its ugliness. It has big claws and a hard shell . . . um, I think I know a few people who fit in that category. Don't you just love the curmudgeons in our world, you know, the ones that frown and 'bark' and have that 'leave me alone' attitude. Such a challenge to make them smile and even get them to like you in spite of themselves. I am musing about curmudgeons this morning because I feel like one. We have had a long rainy winter season, and for the life of me I should not be complaining for most of our country has had one severe storm after another with more on the way. I really have nothing to complain about but lack of sunshine and that is what I need, a good dose of sunshine. It is not about to happen today as a new storm is coming in, but I am going out for awhile and it will change my attitude as I have the el-cheapo luncheon at the casino and find a machine with a game or two played out on a hot island. I will put my imagination to work and play in the sun before driving back home in the storm.

So today, if you feel like a curmudgeon, take yourself away from your stormy feelings and go out to lunch and order one of those little drinks with a tiny umbrella . . . well, it will lighten your spirits. Now if it were possible for you to come this way . . . ah, how my spirits would rise.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How long has it been since I heard a good old belly laugh? A long time. The cartoonist do their best to see humor in what is going on and some days I think it is just what we need to lighten the load, but some of the cartoons hit the 'nail on the head' and it isn't really truly funny . . . it is sad. Think of the money spent to purchase an automobile for transportation. You have to 'fight' for the right to buy one as the sales game goes on to gouge you out of your hard earned money with the percentage markups that are not only unfair but unjust, and then they sell you a car that is built with life threatening imperfections . . . why? Some one is not doing their job. Whatever happened to the final checking of a product before releasing it to the public? Change . . . ah, it is here.

This cartoon alludes to what is going on with the Toyota , one of the most successful car makers in the world, but takes a twist as they put a Democrat and a Republican within the car. Will the men and women who represent us 'goof off' or will they take the car makers to task for inferior workmanship? We will have to wait and see, but I don't think the responsibility lies within our government, but with the car makers. It is their responsibility to sell a whole and true product to the public . . . as the old adage goes 'an honest days pay for an honest days work' and every one comes out happy.

In my mail yesterday was a form from the Democratic Party to fill in and return as they asked how I felt about our current President's leadership and what are the most important steps that should be taken and list them accordingly. I took time to answer all of the questions but I found my attitude was very negative and it wound up in the waste basket. I find I am no longer a Democrat . . . nor a Republican . . . I am Independent in my thinking and in my choices, and always have been. Voting for the person who has the moxie to stand up and be counted for has been my choice, party did not make a difference. Why would I want to donate money to a party that has spent its time 'hiding in a bushel' and not doing what is best for the American people as a whole, but passing, or trying to pass, bills that have more pork in them or reams of pages filled with words they have not even read. Yes, today I am political. Today I am aware that we, the people, are at the bottom of the pile and this cartoon says it all . . . and that is sad.
So today, when your form arrives you have a chance to speak your mind. I am sorry I tore mine up as it probably would have been unacceptable to the minds of those working so hard for their party and ignoring the facts of what their representatives have been doing, or not doing is a better way to put it; but, it would have given them something to think about if more filled it out and spoke up in righteous indignation about 'change'. "you can fool some of the people some of the time . . ." aha, Barnum of Barnum and Bailey as they looked for 'a sucker' to fill the tents of make believe.
Cartoons make me think. Maybe I'll give you a break and not copy any more of them, but think about how bored you would be if you didn't get a chance to see them so you can laugh or cry depending on where YOU stand. Make today a great one, why not? Today is what we make it . . . so make it special, just like you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Heavens

The view from the front yard was awesome as I was getting into Pat's car to go for our Sunday morning grocery shopping. I had to pull out the camera and take a picture of the sky as it looked so heavy laden with a brilliant patch of white that caught my eye. It reminded me of the burdens we carry that are heavy and deep, sometimes dark, but, as always, there is a small window of brightness that shows us that this too will pass. I am always thankful for the signs of hope. I need them to start my day and get on with what I can do today. This week is a heavy week, the legs don't want to work and I am using a walker in the house. I haven't ventured outside with it as yet, but it is a sign of my time as I will have to head for the doctor's office and see what he has to say about what can be done to keep me on 'my feet'. I have an appointment coming up and am hopeful he can lead me to someone who knows about such things. Meanwhile the new puppy Emma has come up with some problems. It is a puppy thing we hope she can outgrow. Pure bred dogs have a history of not living a long life span, and it is sad because a lot of love and hard work goes into making a good home and a good life for these animals. Pat loves her animals and takes very good care of them. She is making a good home and a good life for this little imp who has already captured our hearts. The words, "life is not fair" comes to mind.

Today the rains are coming back in to keep the blossoming weeds growing tall, a good thing, then I can hopefully bend down and snatch them up out of their complacent spots. Spring is slowly showing signs of coming around as the trees are budding and some of the garden plants are showing signs of life. The plants in the garden survived the winter months, although for a while it looked like everything was dead or dying. BUT, it does bring to mind a story poem I wrote called "Winter is Leaving"

"Winter is leaving, slowly it seems; trees still naked, gray and stark; benches free, not a soul in the park; familiar roads turning and twisting; high rocks of granite; sunshine glistening; box elders with burls, old and gnarled; standing gray and bent, getting ready to bloom; as the sap runs up from winter gloom. Winds are shifting, up high in the sky; clouds thready patterns please the eye; winter is leaving, slowly it seems; the sap is running to the top of the trees; buds are forming, soon leaves will abound; slowly but surely spring comes around."

So, today put away the what-ifs and know that 'this too shall pass', life goes on and we survive. Come to think of it, I wrote a story poem about 'What If" and think you may get a kick out of it.

'What if' is how we think; as we put our life on hold; 'what if' the weathers cold and we don't go out the door; we miss the fun in snow and sun; a walk in misty rain; and sit inside, with a sigh, wishing our life away.
'What if' we have to wait; upon a plane or train; and don't go on a trip; because of this refrain; we miss the sounds and sights to see; the people we could greet; and sit at home, with a sigh wishing our life was sweet.
'What if' we have no money; a common thought I know; for everything we want to do; has a price galore; we'd miss the walk in the park; or up a shady lane;holding hands and talking; of things we like to do; like sitting on a park bench watching a duck or two.
'What if' has got to go; from our vocabulary; take life off of hold; live each day as if its the only one, for I am me, and I am free, to be the best I am; I don't care about 'what if'; I really don't give a damn."

Now go out there in the big bad world and make it a day to remember. Stay healthy and hardy and know how much I love each of you, my favorite children, and, of course, each of my favorite friends.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Circle of Life

When you get to become and octogenarian the mind takes on a will of its own, if you are lucky not to be on the road to senility or Alzheimer's. You find that your life circle is just that. There are jokes that poke at being old and most of them are enough to make you laugh, if not, you would cry. You come into the world with no hair, no teeth, can't walk, or talk then as if a miracle occurs you can do it all without much effort and improve as you go . . . then after years of perfecting all of this, a trick is played and you find that you are going full circle, less hair, no teeth, can't walk, but so far talking is only at a stop gap and you find that tears are back in style. . . but the circle of friends has changed and you are now looking back to find that a lot of your friends have gone on through the garden gate. It happens, life happens, death happens . I had a e-mail from a mortuary last evening. A first. It was to inform me that my friend Margaret had died on the sixth of February and her son found an e-mail address of mine and knew I would want to know. Margaret was ninety years old. I had just called her at her rest-home about a month ago and she said she was ready to go, that she had lived out her life. She mentioned that she realized now that she should not have taken such good care of herself as it was hard to keep going at this age. She was very religious and she was ready to go 'home'. I am happy for Margaret because she got her wish. I am sad for her family because they have to go through a grieving process before coming to the realization that it okay to die when you are ninety. It happens to the best of us, and come to think of it, the worst of us.

So today, don't dwell on how small your circle is getting, get on with living your life to the best of your ability. Take time to 'smell the roses' and don't scratch your nose on a thorn. Be sure to pickup the telephone, or open up that new style gadget and talk to someone 'old' in your circle of friends. Tomorrow they may lost to your sight but today they can use a verbal hug. Be gentle, be kind and be loving and you will be very successful in life.

As for this sign, you have to love it. You know that some people just cannot resist temptation. Whatever they read they have to follow, and when they get caught and fined they become very upset . . . why me? Well dummy, why not?
Rules are made to keep peace and balance in our lives. It makes for peaceful coexistence.

Make today a good one, it is in your power to do so.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Transportation of the Future

I cannot imagine that this plane/car called the Terrafugia will take care of our morning rush hours across the nation especially since the price tag is $220,000, but think of the traffic jam in the skies . . . scares me.
I am waiting patiently for the railroad to come back. It is such a simple solution to our problem of transportation and I just read that Warren Buffet donated a few billions to have this happen. There are so many changes in high speed rail transportation, a far cry from the days when I used to take a train from Boston to Washington, D. C. and it was at least an eight hour trip. The trip I remember the most is the one in which my friend and I laid out on a beach and fell asleep only to wake up with a sunburn that warmed more than the cockles of our heart. Going back to D. C. to our jobs meant sitting on the edge of the seat, believe me we never did that again.
I often remark about how the Disney folks came up with high speed transportation and move millions of people without a problem. It just goes to show the technology is there, now if we could only get the 'big boys' to change their tune and vote for transportation without a dependency on foreign oil. Problems to be resolved in the future, wonder if I'll see a high speed train and take a ride from one end of the country to another. That would be fun and I could go back in time and visit the old haunts to see the changes of the last sixty years. As I have said before, a picture can stir the imagination and stir up memories.
So, if you are out and about looking for a new car, you might keep this one in mind. Be sure you take flying lessons first. I don't want to ride with someone who does not have their pilot's license. Have a fun Sunday, read the funnies, make an omelet or a blueberry pancake and enjoy. I'm off to make my coffee and scrounge around for something good to have for breakfast, maybe I should wait until I get back from my Sunday morning grocery shopping and then I'll have something tasty like a piece of ham. Sounds good, I'll share if you are in my neighborhood.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Here is new pictures of Emma, sad eyes? inquisitive eyes? Nah! Just pooped out from playing with the visiting dogs. If she could tell you her story. . ." those big poolkas wore me out. "

Arrogance and Politics are bedfellows and power is the ultimate goal which we see in this current administration. The men and women who represent us start with a timid heart and a mind to be of help to their fellow constituents and then become entrenched in a world that spells power and greed. Soon they become part of the 'good old boys camp' and they forget the good intent and follow the leaders; an age old problem for all of us as we watch and wait for better things to happen . . . but they don't . . . our 'tea party' folks are getting up and going out and saying enough is enough and I hope more join in the melee and we use our vote to stop rewarding bad behavior. So instead of making me laugh today, the cartoons made me think. Maybe that is what they are supposed to do.
So today you will be inundated with apologies from one or another of a 'fallen' idol, ignore it, and get on with living. Think a lot about what is going on within you, and remember that you are part of the solution. If you want a better life you work for it . . . nothing is handed out on a silver platter without strings attached and they are strings that could trap you for a lifetime. Take good care of you, the inner you, and do what is best for you. You are the one who looks in the mirror every night so look and see the beauty within. Shine, you deserve it. Make today the best one yet.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Witches Hour

I think four a.m. is the witching hour as it comes around on a daily basis and steals into some brains and tells us it is time to get up . . . get up, for what? There is nothing to do at four a.m. but the body clock says there is. Well, I am looking for whatever it is so I can enjoy that 'whatever it is' at four a.m. I wonder what it is like to sleep in until seven a.m. or even eight. I know some people who don't get up until almost noon, now that would be something to try . . . half the day gone . . . stoking the energy level to do something before the entire day is gone. I have a friend who used to tell me about waking up in the wee hours and she would head for her kitchen and bake. She was the prize baker of our group and came up with some of the most delicious concoctions that you would ever want to 'melt in your mouth'. I talked with her recently and she tells me she has given that up since she moved in with her son. She sleeps much better with someone in the house . . . come to think of it, I do better when someone is here. This morning I stoked up the computer, checked out the most recent e-mails and the went to sign in to blog but the mind was blank. I couldn't find anything to talk about . . . me without words. . . I don't' think so. I just went out and put on the coffee pot, gave myself a lecture about feeling sorry for myself because I was not snoozing in my comfortable bed and turned on the television to hear the latest news. The big news is Tiger Wood is going to make a statement . . . I won't go there! I cooked up the last batter of the blueberry pancakes, which were very delicious, and I feel much better, more alive, after three cups of coffee and an orange. You know the orange did the trick. Now if it were late in the afternoon, and I was having my dinner, I could have a glass of wine and relax. I'm sure wine at four a.m. would have a different effect . . . come to think of it, maybe that is what is needed to keep sleeping through the witching hour. I should fill that water carafe with wine and see how it works. I might never have a sleeping problem again. I have a quote from Ben Franklin that I got a chuckle out of . . . "In wine there is wisdom; In beer there is freedom; In water there is bacteria"! Now, I know you can figure out what our illustrious Maxine would have to say about that .

So, my family and friends, I hope you witching hour is much later and that you have enjoyed a good sleep filled with happy dreams. I hope you awaken rested and ready for the day. Make it a good one filled with love and laughter, a tear if you have to, and light someone persons day with a call or an e-mail. Sometimes it is that little boost that makes their day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Wheels

The newest of the new . . . Corvette C7 . . . Pretty sleek, powerful and expensive. I am not a car buff, never have been, but I can tell you I miss driving as it gives away the freedom of movement. I gave up my license many years ago because I couldn't afford to purchase a car, nor could I afford the up keep of one. More than that I was an overly cautious driver which held me back from the freedom of the road. Lucky, for me, I have had many warm and loving chauffeurs over the years and some friendly bus drivers when I have had to take one. I remember the last ride of the Greyhound bus that I caught in Reno, Nevada and rode to Carson City, Nevada some thirty miles of beautiful scenic highway. It was winter and snow began to fall heavier and heavier as we rode along. It became a 'white-out', and because I was sitting in the first seat from the driver, he looked over and asked me to keep an eye on my side of the road. I looked out and could see absolutely nothing . . . snow falling sideways and nothing moving. I told him I couldn't see anything at all and he said neither could he so we inched along hoping to pass through the valley without incidence. We did, slowly and safely but it was a ride I'll never forget.

I think the last time I drove I was with daughter Pat, and my granddaughter Erin, and we were on a mountain road with curve after curve. I thought I did a good job but the end result was Pat never offered to let me drive her car again. I think it had something to do with the line of cars backed up behind me as I drove slowly and surely around each curve . . . isn't that what you are supposed to do? I am smiling as I think of all the road trips I have been on and how enjoyable it is to get into your car and go. Living here in Brookings we have rides north, south or inland all two and a half hour rides through some of the most scenic beauty imaginable. It is our 'run-away' time for shopping in a mall or finding used book stores or antique shops.

It is just about time to 'run-away' and as soon as the weather changes from the winter rains and wind, we will decide on what direction to go. Maybe we will walk the mall and find an Easter Bonnet and a parade to participate in. Are hat's in these days? I don't think I have seen anyone with a hat on in years. In my day you couldn't leave the house without a hat and gloves on and I think when I became my own boss they were the first to go. Although there were times I felt pretty special in a fancy hat even though I was always leaving a glove somewhere. Everything changes and if we wait long enough the 'changed things' return with a vengeance.

So today, take good care of yourself when out driving in your car. Check out the new ones and see how beautiful they are outside but be sure you have a mechanic with you to check on the 'inside' as the recall of today is tremendous. Imagine Toyota recalling millions of cars for break trouble . . . now, that is frightening. Once upon a time 'made in America' really stood for something special but cheap labor got in the way of intelligence and today we see the result. Go carefully especially on the wet or icy roads. I'd be lost without you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fixer Upper

How many times have you used your shoe as a hammer or the kitchen knife as a screw driver? I bet many times, it is so ingenious and easy---- but then having a small repair kit in the drawer is a lot better. I am not very handy. I never have been. If I walked by my ex- husband's chair and he was reading and looked up to see me walk by with tools in my hands, you can believe he put the book down and came to the rescue because he knew I didn't know which wall was the bearing one. I am not very handy when it comes to reading and following directions. I am more likely to pinch and snip which of course means my finished products have that 'home made' look. It was not from lack of trying, believe me, I tried everything from painting scrolled plaster walls with a two inch brush to using duct tape to hold something together. Speaking of duct tape look at the pictures of the airplane.

The pilot survived the crash of his plane
and used pieces of plastic and duct tape to repair it. He did such a good job, he could fly the plane out of the 'boon-docks' in which he had landed and he return safely home. Now that is a repair man. I wonder if he has an 'older' brother, and uncle or a grandfather he could introduce me to.
So, today become a dauntless one and take a run to the store and pick up some duct tape because you never know when it will come in handy. If you are not handy then send for an expert, you don't want any walls falling in on you. Make today, hump day, a busy one. Look around and see what . . . or who . . . needs mending. Put on your 'happy face' and show the world how truly ingenous you are.
It is a day of celebration as grandson Mason turns thirty-one today . . . now that does make an old lady out of me. Happy Birthday Mason. Speaking of grandkids, Granddaughter Erin came home for Valentine Day, now that is a valentine gift and a half. We met Ernesto the six foot handsome boy friend who loves to cook, is easy to be with, has smiling eyes and made himself useful by finding some of those illusive pieces of the new jig saw puzzle which covers the entire dining room table. They brought me a decadent hot fudge sundae with a brownie hidden under all that extra cream and it was delicious, delectable and the last desert until Easter Sunday. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have a sign on my dining room hutch that says "Dust test in progress, do not disturb the samples" and so the words serve to tickle our sense of humor and these signs came in yesterday on the e-mail making me laugh out loud. Words, aren't they delicious and delectable!
Valentine Day is over for another year and the valentines that I received were priceless. What a heart uplifting day when a card is sent from those in your life that take the time to let you know you are special to them. It made me think of a story poem I wrote a long time ago called "The Written Word"
I've come to learn/that the written word/is a marvelous tool/in life/for it brings us close to family, friends, and strangers alike.
The paper, no matter what color/or what is inscribed/ pales/ to the words written inside.
For the written word/tells many things/ that we really want to hear/from sympathy/to encouragement/to cheer.
But best of all/ the words we see/are written in the end/love/love you/I love you/mom/dad/sister/brother/or just friend.
So, today if you haven't written something, now, almost a lost cause, get on the computer, or on one of the fancy thing-a-ma-bobs and send a message to those you love. Let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life. I'm thinking of you and wish you a day of words, kind and loving ones to make your heart soar. I love you my family and friends.

Monday, February 15, 2010

"Forgotten Gallery"

My e-mail this morning was named "A Forgotten Gallery" and the pictures were some I had never seen before. I didn't realize that Angelina Jolie was born with those lips. With all of the liposuction of today I thought she had gone modern but this picture says otherwise. What a beautiful child she was, a real daddy's girl, and followed in his footsteps.

Here are the Beatles when they first started. They were fourteen and sixteen, an early start to a long career.

I often wondered if there was a specific model for the Barbie Doll; I think I found it. . . Bridget Bardou in all her glory.

I bet you haven't seen this photograph before. It is poignant and it makes me wonder who took it and when... two lost souls....gone before their time.
There were other photographs of famous people and actors and actresses, most gone now, but the photograph brings them back in memory and serves up a bit of history as we either read about them, saw them in movies, watched them live out their lives doing what they were born to do. Today on "Simple Truths" there was a video of famous quotes by famous people and it is wonderful. A table book we should all own, and I am thinking about buying one to have on my coffee table just to pick up and peruse and enjoy. Words and Pictures to bring history back into our minds and hearts as we have lived through some very interesting and trying times.It never seems to stop, it's called living.
So, today check out the family albums and look at the pictures of the family and friends and think about the changes in their looks and personality and remember all of the finite details of your history with them. Enjoy a trip down memory lane and for those that are still with you, give them a call and let them know you remember. Make today a good one, a very special one, just like you . . . look in the mirror and you will see what I see . . . a beautiful face to love.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Light and Shadows from the Sky

When you walk outside, do you look up to see what the clouds have to offer? Have you lost your sense of fun? I hope not. Cloud watching has always been one of my favorite pass times. How can you be bored? Walking outside on a summer's day and the billowing clouds, thick and scudding by, hold everything you can imagine in sight. Winter clouds are heavy with rain or snow but still have pictures for you to imagine and enjoy. The other day my daughter Pat and I were driving up 101 on our way home and there was a huge puffy white cloud with the look of a hand with one finger pointing skyward....yes, 'that' finger that sends a message to all without any doubts or fears. It could come from a fellow driver, or a mad neighbor depending on what you did or didn't do to earn such respect. We had such fun with that cloud as we changed our view point and came up with all kinds of ideas of what it could stand for. A sense of fun, enjoyable laughter and a memory builder . . . all in one cloud.
Isn't it amazing to watch the wind push the clouds along. Sometimes the wind makes a special pattern of design and color that catches the eye. The linticular clouds of Nevada are awesome and look like UFO's lined up and ready to make a landing in the high desert. Then we have the low clouds that come in from the ocean and hang like an eerie mist over the trees and the land which makes a beautiful scene. The thunder-heads are awesome and line up to come in over the ocean bringing a myriad of pictures for the imagination to run with as they swirl thick and pure stark white, always a pleasure to look at.

Storm clouds hovering over the land waiting to drop sleeting pelting rain that makes noises on the window panes. It is something to see them fall on the windshield of the car as they make patterns similar to snow drops. I am still trying to describe what rain sounds like and cannot do it...droplets make no noise while the teeming rain bounces like small balls up and down on the pavement and I hear the rain but cannot describe it. It pelts, it bounces, it falls almost like silence yet it makes noises. A good storm clears the air and the sun comes out, that is the time to go for a walk and take deep breaths and enjoy the cleansing effects of the storm.

The Hands of God. This picture has been going around on the computer for some time now and I love to see it. My imagination sores and I know that those candles I light and the prayers I send are not wasted.
So, today, keep your faith, hope and have a bit of charity for your fellow man. Be kind to your family members, even the extended ones, and join your friends for a few minutes of hugs, fun and love, after all it is Valentine Day and it should be a day to make memories forever. Look up, you may see something new and different. Take a friend to lunch and have a decadent desert, after all Lent follows this coming Wednesday and we are all giving up our most favorite thing . . . right? No . . . well, at least something close to your favorite thing . . . be brave you'll love yourself on Easter Sunday morning.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Political Cartoons

I have to admit I am a fan of political cartoons, always have been. I know it is irreverent at times, but the tom-foolery that goes on with our illustrious leaders leaves them wide open for a bit of humor and it gives us a chance to have a laugh at their expense. Although the current mood of the leader of Iran is frightening. The determination to build nuclear power for electricity is one thing but the threat of building a bomb is very frightening for the entire world population, including themselves. Say a prayer for world peace for future generations, God knows we haven't seen much of it in our life time.

Al Gore has been shouting about Global Warming for years and even won the Pulitzer prize and all that money, but I haven't heard much about his investments in this particular area. We know that global warming is just that---- global warming ---- and it has gone on forever and will continue to do so as we head for another ice age according to the scientists. Like the hundred year weather patterns . . . we are seeing one this winter as the blizzards continue to fall in almost every state. Here on our West coast we are having our winter rains and the two inches of rain we had yesterday is helping those weeds to blossom and spread. They are so embedded in the rocks in the front yard that I may have to spray to get to the roots and hopefully get rid of them before they take over the rocks entirely. Isn't it strange how one cartoon can bring you right around to the initial problem of weeds that I have been expounding about for days and days. Like crumbs, I don't like weeds. It reminds me of the very first story poem I wrote many years ago called "Crumbs"
"Whenever there is food around/crumbs are sure to follow/for they begin to multiply/before you even swallow.
You get up in the morning/along with the sun/struggle down the stairway/but never see a crumb.
Evidence is mounting/you left a glass or two/which never made the trash can/and it isn't Mountain Dew.
The salsa and the chip dish/are sitting side by side/and if you look/real close like/ you'll see where crumbs did slide.
They settle in the chair seats/even underneath/some fall in the carpet/others trail your feet.
Crumbs in the kitchen/crumbs in the sink/crumbs in the bathroom/crumbs behind the door/crumbs everywhere/even on the floor.
Get out the vacuum/Get out the broom/chase them all about/crumbs will never give up/not without a fight.
So today as you chase your crumbs around, take time out to enjoy your days off as they fly by and soon you will be back to work. There is so much satisfaction in having a clean house but don't spend all of your time indoor, take a walk in the park or along the beach if you can get out of your snow or rain . . . it's winter with the exhilaration of weather in all of its glory . . . just enjoy it no matter what. Take good care of you, remember heat leaves the body by the head so wear a hat, preferably one that covers your ears . . . so, don't look in the mirror, you are still beautiful hat and all.